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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Starscream 06:58 AM 03-18-2009
Official weigh in was still at 242 today. Not bad considering the weekend I spent being a glutton. If I ever get committed to working out again, I'll start losing some weight. I've been at 242 for three weeks now. No gain is not bad, but it's time to break through the 240 barrier.
kayaker 10:37 AM 03-18-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Official weigh in was still at 242 today. Not bad considering the weekend I spent being a glutton. If I ever get committed to working out again, I'll start losing some weight. I've been at 242 for three weeks now. No gain is not bad, but it's time to break through the 240 barrier.
Not gaining is still a victory. I'm not sure how I'll do tomorrow. My brother's GF moved the scale into their en-suite, so I don't get to it to check up as often.

I just hope JJujutsu tonight will make up for the Wendy's last night.
Starscream 10:40 AM 03-18-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
I just hope JJujutsu tonight will make up for the Wendy's last night.
:-) I felt the same way about that Angry Whopper I ate Sunday evening.:-)
LooseCard 01:51 PM 03-18-2009
First, let me just say that reading through this was quite amusing. You guys are a riot.

I'll write up a nice huge intro for the next post....

So far, down 10 lbs the first week :-), up 2.6 the next :-).
Due for weigh-in on Friday morn, week 3. And I haven't been able to 'fit' exercising in yet.

No, I'm not bragging, but once I throw out the other info about me, you'll understand. (I could compete with 'The Biggest Losers' if I didn't have to work for a living)
kayaker 01:57 PM 03-18-2009
Welcome Dan. Can't wait to read your intro.:-)
Starscream 02:00 PM 03-18-2009
Originally Posted by LooseCard:
First, let me just say that reading through this was quite amusing. You guys are a riot.

I'll write up a nice huge intro for the next post....

So far, down 10 lbs the first week :-), up 2.6 the next :-).
Due for weigh-in on Friday morn, week 3. And I haven't been able to 'fit' exercising in yet.

No, I'm not bragging, but once I throw out the other info about me, you'll understand. (I could compete with 'The Biggest Losers' if I didn't have to work for a living)
Welcome aboard!:-)
Good luck on that weigh-in on Friday.
LooseCard 07:22 PM 03-18-2009
I keep losing weight........ but it keeps finding me, and brings new friends too..........

Thanks for the welcome.
Problem right now is the wife bought the 10" plates instead of the 8" this time. Believe me, this makes a huge difference!

I'll tell you all this much though... We now have a scale at the house.
We went town to the IKEA just so that I could get one cheap, as normally they either don't go high enough or are wicked wicked expensive if they do.

The last time we dieted, I was down by about 80 pounds, and was HUGELY proud of this accomplishment.
One rear-ender later and I became sedentary for 6 months, and have gained it all back. Here we are, 2 years later, and I’m back to overflowing my largest pants, and regular knees aches. It’s time.

My goal? Let’s start with getting below 300, and in shape.
That'll beat the last try.

(Friday allows me to be easier on weekends and get days to recover... heh heh....)
kayaker 07:33 PM 03-18-2009
Originally Posted by LooseCard:
I keep losing weight........ but it keeps finding me, and brings new friends too..........
Yep. That sounds familiar.

Originally Posted by LooseCard:
(Friday allows me to be easier on weekends and get days to recover... heh heh....)
That's why I weigh in on Thursday. Sometimes my weekend starts early.:-)

Sorry to hear about your accident, but stick with us and we'll get our targets together.:-)
bonjing 09:59 PM 03-19-2009
glad to hear you guys are still keeping at it. The past few weeks with my crazy schedule, i find myself eating to stay awake, i have put on close to 10lbs. damn i feel so weak. this BS schedule is going to last a few more weeks and i'm getting pissed. I gotta get my mind and body right this week. i'm going to have fun this weekend and hit the gym hard during the week.
Starscream 06:16 AM 03-20-2009
I ate good yesterday for my birthday. I had four Boca burgers on flatbread buns, a couple of helpings of oven baked potatoes, and two helpings of pasta salad. Nice birthday feast. Although I was full as could be and stuffed to the gills, I didn't over do it on points.
LooseCard 11:22 AM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
That's why I weigh in on Thursday. Sometimes my weekend starts early.
Yup, sounds like I need to back it up one more day too....:-)

For the first time ever, the wifey agreed to going to a Chinese Buffet. She usually is against these, but she got a 'good referral' for the place, and our kid egged her into it.

Big mistake.

Big, big mistake.

I had a big plate of Sushi (which is more of a filler), and a full plate of dinner. A little more dinner, and topped of with a plate of desserts....

I know I still have too much food in my intestines to read acurrate but damn.:-)
I can either move the weigh in to Friday and take the hit, or still weigh in on Sunday (remember, was just going to change...) and hope for the best.

Pizza celebration tonight as a 'bon voyage' party for Bro-in-law who ships off to Boot Camp at the end of this month... :-)

I'm not giving up, but I just can't win either. :-):-)
Starscream 02:46 PM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by LooseCard:
I can either move the weigh in to Friday and take the hit, or still weigh in on Sunday (remember, was just going to change...) and hope for the best
If you do change your weigh-in day, make sure you keep it at that day for a while. Changing your weigh-in date regularly gives you inaccurate readings as to your true progress.

Temptations a b!tch, ain't it?:-)
LooseCard 07:53 PM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
If you do change your weigh-in day, make sure you keep it at that day for a while. Changing your weigh-in date regularly gives you inaccurate readings as to your true progress.

Temptation's a b!tch, ain't it?:-)
I'm thinking the same thing, but I have yet to actually change as I am only on 3rd week....

Yes, it is - but that's what keeps us going.
Starscream 06:31 PM 03-22-2009
It's Sunday! :-) Time for some meat!
Red velvet cake, steak, cheesy bacon potatoes, boiled shrimp!
Birthday meals are great!
I'm eating a huge peice of red velvet cake as we speak. Tomorrow I go back into the routine.
Cyanide 07:48 PM 03-22-2009
Its funny, sometimes when I miss a number of workouts I actually lose some weight. Providing I get back "on the wagon" without too much delay I also manage to maintain the accomplishment.

Over the last 3 days I have not been to the gym at all. That type of behaviour is usually only reserved for holidays. Anyway, I weighed in this morning just to see how much I was going to pay for my sloth. It turns out, I was at 218, the lightest I have been in 8-9 years. I better get back to the gym tomorrow morning or I might balloon up to 227!
Starscream 08:48 PM 03-22-2009
Originally Posted by Cyanide:
Its funny, sometimes when I miss a number of workouts I actually lose some weight. Providing I get back "on the wagon" without too much delay I also manage to maintain the accomplishment.

Over the last 3 days I have not been to the gym at all. That type of behaviour is usually only reserved for holidays. Anyway, I weighed in this morning just to see how much I was going to pay for my sloth. It turns out, I was at 218, the lightest I have been in 8-9 years. I better get back to the gym tomorrow morning or I might balloon up to 227!
Funny how that works. Congrats, John. :-)
Genetic Defect 10:18 PM 03-22-2009
I lost weight on vacation :-)
LooseCard 07:10 AM 03-23-2009
Congratz John!

Happy Belated Andy.

And no, I haven't yet.......
Starscream 07:11 AM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
I lost weight on vacation :-)
Starscream 06:24 AM 03-24-2009
Got some arm work in last night.
Also had a good meal too. Garlic linguine (sp) noodles and garlic bread. As Pee-Wee Herman would say "Mmmmm, Garlicy".
I also discovered a new snack, Pita Bites Garlic and Chives. Looking back on last night's consumption, it would seem as if I'm trying to keep the vampires away.
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