"Because I said so"
Kreth 02:17 PM 01-30-2009
"For all intensive purposes..."
"I can't speak to that..." (I always think, "OK, so STFU")
ucla695 02:22 PM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by Killjoy:
"Well it's a dry heat"
My buddy in Phoenix usually replies by saying something like "so is an oven."
tobii3 02:34 PM 01-30-2009
BigAl_SC 02:38 PM 01-30-2009
Two that bug me....
Worked in a grocery store 'If it was a snake it would have bit me' . Hope it was a poisonous one, open your #$#$#$ eyes.
'To tell you the truth', does that mean you usually lie.
Shervin 02:23 AM 01-31-2009
Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz:
Sounds so helpless or passive/aggressive.
Had a really crappy boss that loved to say that.
So did I !!!
Shervin 02:24 AM 01-31-2009
Originally Posted by field:
:-) If I had a nickel for every time I'd heard that!!! :-)
Good one!
Shervin 02:26 AM 01-31-2009
Originally Posted by tobii3:
""Cigar Aficionado rated this a 91"
Ahahahahahahahahahaha thats awesome!
lenguamor 03:26 AM 01-31-2009
Cliches in general suck because they reinforce the general decay of original thought in modern communication.
But the worst of them all is "deja vu all over again." Because most people using it don't even know how delightfully ironic it was the first time it was uttered by its inventor, Yogi Berra in 1963.
Gargoyle 09:28 PM 02-01-2009
Two others that I really hate:
"It's now or never". (Just heard Big Ben use it after the SB)
"Think outside the box" is another one that I hate. Why I am I in a box... and even if I was, why do I need to think outside of it?
massphatness 09:33 PM 02-01-2009
markem 09:38 PM 02-01-2009
calling them "world champions" for winning the "national" league.
Gargoyle 09:39 PM 02-01-2009
Originally Posted by vstrommark:
calling them "world champions" for winning the "national" league.
Gargoyle 09:39 PM 02-01-2009
Originally Posted by massphatness:
"The world needs more Patricks."
You are the one that is spreading it!
Originally Posted by Shervin:
It is what it is!
That's a favorite of my gf/soon to be ex-gf
shilala 09:48 PM 02-01-2009
It never fails that some wad will say "Wanna do mine next?" when I'm washing my car.
mikeyj23 05:55 AM 02-02-2009
When people hear my name is Michael Jordan they think they have something clever to say - all of them are junk. My favorite?
"Did your parents name you that on purpose?"
No, b*tch, they drew the name out of a hat.
shilala 08:12 AM 02-02-2009
Originally Posted by mikeyj23:
When people hear my name is Michael Jordan they think they have something clever to say - all of them are junk. My favorite?
"Did your parents name you that on purpose?"
No, b*tch, they drew the name out of a hat. :-)
Just be glad it wasn't Michael Bolton.
darb85 08:17 AM 02-02-2009
I agree with if you friends jumped off a cliff one. My mom used to use that all the time until i was about 15 and I answered yes and spun on my heels. She cracked up and stopped using it.
Originally Posted by Gargoyle:
Two others that I really hate:
"It's now or never". (Just heard Big Ben use it after the SB)
"Think outside the box" is another one that I hate. Why I am I in a box... and even if I was, why do I need to think outside of it?
I like my box....