No1der 01:17 PM 01-29-2009
I have quite a few and it would be tough to narrow it down to just one since my mood influences what I want to watch. Having said that here are some of my all time favorites.
These are in no special order just as I think of them one by one.
V for Vendetta
Night on Earth ~ if you haven't seen this one I highly recomend it.
The Exorcist
Emprie Strikes Back
Oh and also Brokeback Mountain, lulz just kidding.
acarr 02:10 PM 01-29-2009
Any western with Clint in it is among my favorites. Also Forest Gump, Silence of the Lambs, and Full Metal Jacket
Starscream 04:42 PM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy;201548I think [B:
Conan the Barbarian [/b]is an amazingly well made movie that is overlooked. If you actually watch the movie (and not the for-tv-edit) you realize how un-campy it is. The set designs are amazing and Basil Poledouris turned in one of the best original scores ever heard. There isn't even that much violence for most of the movie--it isn't nearly as mindless as a lot of people believe. The sequel and all the sword & sandal movies it inspired are nowhere near as good (but Destroyer isn't actually that bad).
Conan the Barbarian was a decent film, but it was definitely NOT the same Conan the Barbarian from the novels and comics.
Genetic Defect 04:52 PM 01-29-2009
Prospector 04:57 PM 01-29-2009
The Big Chill
Also anything starring Clint Eastwood.
Genetic Defect 04:58 PM 01-29-2009
stevefrench 08:24 PM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
My all time favorite movie is 'The Shawshank Redemption.'
ChicagoWhiteSox 09:06 PM 01-29-2009
skullnrose 09:11 PM 01-29-2009
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
s15driftking 09:13 PM 01-29-2009
i have a couple
1. Jingle all the way
2. Snatch
3. Dead Poets Society
Starscream 10:00 PM 01-29-2009
You would.
Originally Posted by s15driftking:
Dead Poets Society
Good movie.
ActionAndy 12:26 AM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Conan the Barbarian was a decent film, but it was definitely NOT the same Conan the Barbarian from the novels and comics.
Agreed. REH is one of my favorite authors.
:eevis 04:05 PM 01-30-2009
Gotta say, in no particular order
Ghost Busters
The Shawshank Redemption
Usual Suspects
Pulp Fiction
Brave Heart
hotreds 04:20 PM 01-30-2009
PinkPistol86 07:15 PM 02-19-2009
My favorite movie is Van Wilder. It's always a great movie to watch if I'm really sad because I know I can always get a good laugh from the final scene "I'm bleeding".
CBI_2 07:53 PM 02-19-2009
To many to name one but I guess that I own all Star Wars, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings (4 disc set on these 3) tells what types I am partial too.
kelmac07 11:15 PM 05-24-2009
#1. August Rush
#2. Rudy
Could watch these over and over!!