Genetic Defect 09:25 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by smitdavi:
Oh....that kind of explosion. Just give her some money and tell her she can buy some new shoes :-)
4 pairs
Mugen910 09:26 PM 01-07-2009
I have spurts of it...Not as bad as some people I know but it's the early darkness that gets to me.
smitdavi 09:27 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
I have spurts of it...Not as bad as some people I know but it's the early darkness that gets to me.
How early does it get dark out there...usually around 5:15 here
smitdavi 09:28 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
4 pairs
That should do the trick
Genetic Defect 09:30 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by smitdavi:
That should do the trick :-)
speially if dhe goes to payless BOGO
St. Lou Stu 09:30 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by smitdavi:
Oh....that kind of explosion. Just give her some money and tell her she can buy some new shoes :-)
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
4 pairs
I know David met her.... but you did too Perry?
Genetic Defect 09:31 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu:
I know David met her.... but you did too Perry?:-)
:-) aren't hey all the same?
Mugen910 09:53 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by smitdavi:
How early does it get dark out there...usually around 5:15 here
yeah I think we get to sunset at around 430..
karmaz00 10:42 PM 01-07-2009
the dark raining days and nights are a litte depressing
icehog3 12:51 AM 01-08-2009
I can relate, David. When I went to KC last month, I knew I had to take 4 days off from the gym....Well, that 4 days turned into almost 3 weeks. Ate crappy, stayed up until 4-5AM every night, didn't do much but stay home when I was off work, became an insomniac....I think it is a mild form of depression.
I am over it now, back in the gym, getting to bed a bit earlier, getting back in the groove....hope you can too.
macpappy 05:41 AM 01-08-2009
No warm weather crack but two words about why I don't suffer from winter blues or holiday letdown...
Mark C 06:05 AM 01-08-2009
I've been getting the winter blues a little more this year than in the past. Part of the problem is I'm at work well before dawn, and when I leave the sun is just starting to set. While I'm there, I'm either in a windowless lab, or a windowless basement office. Sometimes I walk outside just to make sure the sky is still there.
And it's been cloudy, rainy, and dreary for awhile. I don't mind winter and cold so long as the sun comes out once in awhile.... I hate cold, cloudy, rainy misery.
Genetic Defect 07:57 AM 01-08-2009
I get the winter blues in summer sometimes
smitdavi 08:22 PM 01-08-2009
lol, yahoo has this story on their front page tonight: