Buena Fortuna 02:52 AM 01-03-2009
white_s2k 02:53 AM 01-03-2009
I can't wait to try one!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the review, I can't believe they are as bad as everyone says. Why would the company keep making them....
Buena Fortuna 03:07 AM 01-03-2009
Originally Posted by white_s2k:
I can't wait to try one!!!!!!!! :-)
Thanks for the review, I can't believe they are as bad as everyone says. Why would the company keep making them....
Because people keep buying them...
SmokeyNL 03:07 AM 01-03-2009
Yay!!! I have 5 of these (thanks Dan!!!) thank goodness my brother smokes
dogrockets, flavored cigars etc.
Worse than a gorillafinger Ferdinand? wow that must be nasty, but then
again, you can wash the flavor of the cremosa away by smoking a
I am going to give this one a try today, might as well get it over with
(keeping a promisse to Dan)
Does this make the el monstruo taste good?
white_s2k 03:10 AM 01-03-2009
Originally Posted by Buena Fortuna:
Because people keep buying them...:-)
For the sole purpose of bombing each other
Don Fernando 04:42 AM 01-03-2009
Originally Posted by lenguamor:
:-):-):-) You asked for it.
I know, I didn't believe that a cigar could have a reputation as bad as the cremosa and actually live up to it.
Don Fernando 04:43 AM 01-03-2009
Originally Posted by white_s2k:
Thanks for the review, I can't believe they are as bad as everyone says.
That's what I said, and that's why I wanted to try one. Trust me, they are even worse then people say.
Don Fernando 04:44 AM 01-03-2009
Originally Posted by SmokeyNL:
Does this make the el monstruo taste good? :-)
it makes the El Monstruo a cigar from the gods.
Smokin Gator 09:27 PM 01-03-2009
I can't believe I missed this one... laughed my arse off. DF... you are the man. A grape and a Cremosa in the same week. You constantly give it up for the brotherhood!!!!
Ha - we smoked one tonight... It wasn't near as bad as an Acid or the other fruity brands. I wouldn't buy one, but it beat a Philly.
Mugen910 10:24 PM 01-03-2009
Darrell 10:26 PM 01-03-2009
Originally Posted by bobarian:
:-):-):-) Excellent review, Its amazing how these can change from flavorless and smelly to absolutely disgusting in a matter of moments. Just when you start to think, "This isn't that bad", you get the Cremosa kick in the gut. :-)
But there is a chance you got a GOOD stick. I suggest you try another just to be sure!:-):-):-)
I used to hand these out at my herfs to all new BABOTL. One time I decided to light one up and got to less than 1/3, turned green and almost vomited in the stinky.
SmokeyNL 08:54 AM 01-04-2009
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
I can't believe I missed this one... laughed my arse off. DF... you are the man. A grape and a Cremosa in the same week. You constantly give it up for the brotherhood!!!!
I have seen him smoke a gorillafinger and an El Monstruo with a smile on his face, so I don't think he hates them
I am working up the courage to light one of these up, but don't want to ruine my whole sunday
kaisersozei 09:05 AM 01-04-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
Ha - we smoked one tonight... It wasn't near as bad as an Acid or the other fruity brands. I wouldn't buy one, but it beat a Philly.
That might be because we all only took one hit. Nobody really said, "Wow, that thing is awesome! Gimme more!" it was more like a puzzled sort of, "Hmm. It's not.... terrible. Has a little... something I recognize. A little flavor, maybe. I guess.... it's... kinda... okay." And then they quickly passed it to the next poor sap.
Not sure what would happen if any of us had kept smoking it
Mugen910 09:18 AM 01-04-2009
I know what woulda happened...
:-) :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
stearns 10:34 AM 01-04-2009
i was content with the amount of that one that i smoked, at least i can say i tried one
TOB9595 10:39 AM 01-04-2009
I always thought the CREMOSA was some OVER EXAGGERATED stick.
Now I see that i didn't know the half of it...
Thanks for the review...
Buena Fortuna 10:41 AM 01-04-2009
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
That might be because we all only took one hit. Nobody really said, "Wow, that thing is awesome! Gimme more!" it was more like a puzzled sort of, "Hmm. It's not.... terrible. Has a little... something I recognize. A little flavor, maybe. I guess.... it's... kinda... okay." And then they quickly passed it to the next poor sap. :-)
Not sure what would happen if any of us had kept smoking it :-)
Then you didn't really experience the Cremosa in all it's glory. It doesn't even get interesting until the 1/3 to 1/2 way mark. One or two hits on it doesn't qualify as having a "Creamosa Experience"
Posted via Mobile Device
Hardcz 11:04 AM 01-04-2009
Originally Posted by Buena Fortuna:
Then you didn't really experience the Cremosa in all it's glory. It doesn't even get interesting until the 1/3 to 1/2 way mark. One or two hits on it doesn't qualify as having a "Creamosa Experience"
Posted via Mobile Device
Exactly, just look at Sam's Avatar
Rabidsquirrel 06:39 PM 01-04-2009
I have to try one of these things. I should have 'jumped' on the group buy.