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General Discussion>Very personal vent......
Sailkat 05:59 PM 12-25-2008
Merry Christmas!

Everyone has their own holiday traditions and they change over the years as our families and friends change and grow. We all celebrate in our own way.

Sounds like you are starting your own tradition.....

I look forward to seeing your pictures. :-)
ahc4353 06:23 PM 12-25-2008
You are never alone as long as CA is here.

Keep your chin up and your back straight.
floydp 06:26 PM 12-25-2008
Got to do whats right for you. You've made that decision, a difficult one. Good for you Aaron. Anxious to see how your project works out.

Merry Christmas!
Cigary 06:57 PM 12-25-2008
Have been where you are now,,,and let me tell you that things turn around because of how you are dealing with this. You are being proactive and that is what will get you back on your feet and will take you to heights you never thought possible. Keep your vision,,,do those things that you know to be right in your heart and good things will come. Keep us posted as to how your night out went,,,you will touch others and they will be touched by your thougtfulness this day.
Costa 09:15 PM 12-25-2008
The first is the worst. It gets better, much better, its all down hill from here bud.

I was brought up from birth until I walked away at 18 as a JW. My first Xmas, birthday, you name it, was in my 20's. I watched the religion destroy my family from within, slowly. I won't go into my personal opinion's of the religion, but I have spent the last 18 years methodically piecing my family back together. If you are raised as a child in it, it completely socially paralyzes you, and I spent most of my 20s "learning" the holidays, and even how to celebrate my own birthday. I am om my late 30's now, and all is good, but I would not wish that religion on any child, ever. Take the feeling you have now, and multiply it by a factor of 10,000 when you are 8 years old, and its Xmas morning, or your birthday, its not acknowledged. I had to leave the classroom when the pledge of allegiance was said, and I had no idea why, as a kid. It brands you as an outcast in an already tough development period. I just hope that your children will follow the lead of their father, and the strength you have shown. I know all about the "disfellowship"..........I still cringe when I see a "Watchtower" magazine........

On the flip side, I have no doubt that the success of my life was based on the hardships that being brought up in that religion caused me, and the drive for success that I have. I have seen others not so lucky, who have not come out on the other side as "whole" (drugs, etc.). I'd say most children will rebel against that religion when they grow up, to a great degree than "normal", and how that manifests itself can be one extreme or the other.

But again, you will, as time goes on, and begin celebrating these fantastic holidays, whether it be Xmas, Hanukkah, your birthday, etc. and will really appreciate it. And I hope (and pray, even though I am not religious) that your children follow your lead. Great thing what your doing as well. Good luck man, and Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday and God Bless America!!!!
UPHOTO 10:13 PM 12-25-2008

So much I want to respond to and will tomorrow.

Just thought I would share a photo or two from today, what a day!!!!!

Going to the movies with some of my new friends and going to try and make this the best day I can.




There's a story behind each one and when I get that all together in words I'll share that too.

shvictor 10:14 PM 12-25-2008
Dude you take great pictures. Next time I'm in Reno you better answer your phone. :-)
schnell987 10:26 PM 12-25-2008
This is a beautiful thing that you are doing. I am sure that you brought happiness to all of the people that you interacted with today - look at all of those smiles!
CBI_2 10:31 PM 12-25-2008
Merry Christmas! Hang in there brother. Great pics btw and can't wait to see more results of an awesome idea.
MikeyC 10:33 PM 12-25-2008
Looks like you had a great day! :-)
DrDubzz 10:36 PM 12-25-2008
Love the pictures! I'll be looking forward to seeing the result of the endevour
havana_lover 11:47 PM 12-25-2008
Aaron, let me start by saying first off you sir take wonderful pictures.. the B&W really brings out the feeling in those peoples faces. Your right, starting over is really hard with no one to count on no one to be there.. I moved from the states to back to my birth place in Germany after living in Florida 99.9% of my life. Coming here wasnt easy even it was "home" the first year I dont know how many times I wanted to say F this and jump on the first plane to FL. What kept me going was the "thought" that I left for a reason. Like you, you have your reasons rememeber what doesnt kill you only make you stronger. There is some truth to that statement brother, keep your head high and your shoulders squared.. I promise Aaron, it does get easier allot easier.. I only have one person I talk too in the Florida my brother from another mother.. over the last 5 years I have been lucky enough to find someone with like interests (golf) and 2 years later he has become what I call a friend.. Other also made allot easier, people from my cigar club.. Matter of fact a group of them called me the 25 to make sure I wasnt alone.. that right there is something else.. :-)

If you ever want to chat I can listen.. skype: aquacooled (havana_lover)

Or if your ever in Germany come by for a smoke and bring your camera :-)

Good luck and godspeed Aaron..
Bruzee 12:11 AM 12-26-2008
Aaron, I can say with all honesty, you are an insipration. I have no doubt that you will have no problems making new friends, and starting a new life, wihtout JW. Don't lose your faith in God because of JW. Merry Christmas bro! :-)
Buena Fortuna 06:42 AM 12-26-2008
Can't understand any religon that is supposed to be based on love and acceptance "dis-fellowshiping" anyone...and JW is not the only one that does this.

Having friends and family that disown you because you are an individual fully capable of thinking for yourself is highly over rated...

It sounds like you are on the path less traveled but leads to a more fullfilling destination in life's journey. Spending some time with those less fortunate than you is a nice start to a wondefully rewarding tradition for the holiday. I'm sure you will find many kind people who are willing to accept you just as you are...without conditions.

Merry Christmas 2008 and many more!
Tombstone 07:01 AM 12-26-2008
Originally Posted by Bruzee:
Aaron, I can say with all honesty, you are an insipration. I have no doubt that you will have no problems making new friends, and starting a new life, wihtout JW. Don't lose your faith in God because of JW. Merry Christmas bro! :-)
RevSmoke 11:37 AM 12-26-2008

Wasn't online yesterday as we took in a few people to be with us for the day who also do not have family in the area. In so doing, I put the computer away for the day after coming on to make a Christmas post.

I would like to wish you a very Merry and blessed Christmas.

I know how this could be tough. Had a couple JWs become Lutherans, and I worked with them on this and a couple other issues.

You are in my prayers.
Smokin Gator 12:04 PM 12-26-2008
Sorry to hear about the tribulations brother... but those are the things in life that really define who we are. From what you have posted I would say you are going to do extremely well from here on out. I also think what you did yesterday was awesome. Your pictures are a real reflection of your love of humanity and your humble caring.

Here's to many wonderful holiday celebrations in the future....
yourchoice 12:15 PM 12-26-2008
I don't really have anything else to add, but your post is heartfelt and inspirational. It's obvious you have a good heart, and with that good things will come.

Merry Christmas!
Skywalker 12:31 PM 12-26-2008
Great photos!!!

Like the others have said, "It gets easier (better)!"

I had a similar situation a few years ago and I didn't think things would ever get better but they have!
UPHOTO 01:17 PM 12-28-2008
I just wanted to say thank you to everybody again. This was hard to do, to open up and vent about this but wow am I glad I did, felt so much better.

It's tough, it's something I was raised since birth to believe in and do so this is all new to me. In a few months it will be my FIRST birthday! Did celebrate my first Halloween (that was fun at 33!), and maybe next year my first actual Christmas, who knows.

The photography project went incredibly well yet very shocking and different. I went in thinking I was going to capture true pain and sad stories but was thrown off when I found that all the homeless people in the area were all in one spot for a dinner given by a local church.

I was looking all over town and there were none to be found, then somebody told me where everybody was. Hey not bad to do have everybody in one place to do this since it was COLD out. :-)

I showed up to see homeless people throwing snow balls at each other, playing with the "community" dog Dozer and talking and hanging around with their friends. Very different then what I expected.

So I went out and started talking to people and asking if I could take their pictures. Some didn't want anything to do with me but still had a smile on their face. Others were just fine with it and wanted to know MY story and what I was doing. What was a little disturbing was the fact that most of these people were veterans. The stories you don't hear, the ones that don't have bumper stickers on their cars stating the fact but the people who came back a little "different". It was quite sad............

Some people insisted that this was temporary, others said they were just pure lazy. I could go on and on with my personal view on this and the system and all that but that's for another time.

How about a few other pictures. Notice how some of these people have smiles on their faces? It was really strange........some asked me even "should I smile or show a serious sad face?". I would tell them to be themselves, how they felt right now.

18 year old kid who has been homeless for 2 years!

This man insisted on not talking to me but said it was okay to take his picture.


I call this one "pray for me".



This is something I want to do every year and I hope I get the chance to. I've had a few friends express interest in helping me next year, that should be fun.

Thanks again to everybody here for the encouragement, kind words and inspiration.

It's great to be a part of something like this community.

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