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All Cigar Discussion>My xmas present to myself - Cabinet Humidor!
GWN 06:34 AM 12-24-2008
Great pickup, Dan! Look forward to seeing it stocked.
ucla695 07:32 AM 12-24-2008
Moving on up! Congrats!!
skibumdc 07:55 AM 12-24-2008
I vote for a light ultra fine sanding and baking soda.
Mr.Maduro 07:56 AM 12-24-2008
Vey nice, but I think its too small! :-):-)
Rockestone 07:59 AM 12-24-2008
Nice. What a beautiful Humidor.

Have a Merry Christmas!!

ahc4353 08:07 AM 12-24-2008
Congrats Dan!

Looks kinda empty. :-)

Your RH must be way off. :-)

What to do what to do? :-)
MTB996 08:49 AM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by DBall:
Here's what I got myself for Christmas... :-)

One of the coolest things is that when I showed my wife (prior to buying it) her exact words were, "Oh, nice... that's exactly what I was thinking you should get for your cigars... it looks nice!". I adore that woman.
Ha, that's exactly what my wife would say....of course it would be with a completely different tone of voice! :-)

Very nice cabinet, enjoy filling it up.:-)
Bubba - NJ 11:20 AM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by borndead1:
You could also do quick once-over on the inside with some fine sandpaper. That would get the Spanish Cedar scent going again.

*Just remember to wear a surgical mask while sanding.*

Nice cabinet! :-)
:-) Probably alot faster way of ridding the undesirable smell , it's the way I would do it . Nice cabinet too .
DBall 02:16 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by borndead1:
Baking soda would work. You could also do quick once-over on the inside with some fine sandpaper. That would get the Spanish Cedar scent going again.

*Just remember to wear a surgical mask while sanding.*

Nice cabinet! :-)
Done and done.... thanks for the reminder about the surgical mask. I sanded the entire thing... the full inside, and every tray that came with it. Now there's 4 fridge/freezer boxes of A&H in there and 8 plates with A&H in the drawers. Hopefully when I get back from holiday madness, I'll be able to load it up. Oddly, rh is pretty good in there at the moment.
Darrell 02:18 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by DBall:
Hopefully when I get back from holiday madness, I'll be able to load it up.
We have to wait THAT long? :-)
Buckeye Jack 02:22 PM 12-24-2008
Congrats and welcome to the next level :-)
DBall 02:26 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by Darrell:
We have to wait THAT long? :-)
hell yeah, D... I don't want my stash to smell like a head shop. If I did, I'd just save the hassle and go buy a few boxes of acids... :-)

Edit... I have no foam for that moist-n-aire thing... I need to find a way to humidify it. Anyone know of a way to use beads with the moist-n-aire?
rsamos 02:28 PM 12-24-2008
Speaking of rh - maybe it would do to put a couple sponges soaked in distilled water in there (on small plates) while you let it sit and try to get the stink out.
Darrell 02:44 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by DBall:
Edit... I have no foam for that moist-n-aire thing... I need to find a way to humidify it. Anyone know of a way to use beads with the moist-n-aire?
Wait, what? Where the hell is the foam at? :-)
DBall 02:47 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Wait, what? Where the hell is the foam at? :-)
I don't know.... he never gave it to me. :-):-):-)

Oh well, I can prolly get it anywhere (and my buddy's mom works at a greenhouse), or I could find a way to use beads in it. I should check w/ shilala...
shilala 03:20 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by DBall:
I don't know.... he never gave it to me. :-):-):-)

Oh well, I can prolly get it anywhere (and my buddy's mom works at a greenhouse), or I could find a way to use beads in it. I should check w/ shilala...
There's no foam in a moist-n-aire.
You just put distilled water in it, cheif. :-)
I tear all that doofy mold foam out of all my hydras and replace it with plain old water.
It works great cause I can rinse out the cartridge every time I mess with the hydras.
MNSmoker 03:23 PM 12-24-2008
Congrats on the cabinet Dan! Looking forward to the after pictures. :-)
Old Sailor 05:01 PM 12-24-2008
Nice pick up Dan!!!
DBall 05:46 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by shilala:
There's no foam in a moist-n-aire.
You just put distilled water in it, cheif. :-)
Doh... I should used the google :-)
troutbreath 05:51 PM 12-24-2008
That is a great looking cabinet! Congratulations on the purchase, and Merry Christmas!
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