shilala 04:22 PM 12-24-2008
That story is funny as hell.
Way to be a sport, Chris.
newcigarz 04:25 PM 12-24-2008
I've heard the story before, but it nevers ceases to entertain.
Redbaron 04:50 PM 12-24-2008
Dave fails to mention the tone of his voice (think prison wardon during lockdown), or the fact that it was in front of sixty guys! LOL! I also like that the "joke" cigar was a 95 punch!
Good Times, Good Times!
Redbaron 04:51 PM 12-24-2008
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Did you at least share a REAL 1492 with him after your dirty trick, Dave?
.....and people call ME mean. Sheesh. :-)
Dave didn't but luckily the was another "White Whale Slayer" there who did allow me a puff.
SoCalSmoker 09:16 PM 01-09-2009
Chris, I always love this story and that shirt is classic and unique.
Just wish I was at Shack III too.
ToddziLLa 09:23 PM 01-09-2009
One of the best SH memories of all time.
Chris, can't wait to herf with you again brother.
Ashcan Bill 10:03 PM 01-09-2009
I must have missed this post - first time I've read it and I've been chuckling for a good five minutes now.
You guys are just plain awesome.