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All Cigar Discussion>Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
TinyMike 04:46 PM 11-07-2013
My employer started this a year ago because 80% of our staff of 200+ was considered "smoking". Now I know that's mostly cig smokers, but that's a big amount either way in the eyes of HR. Single non-smoker costs $25 per paycheck, Single Smoker costs $70. Take off $20 from either with a flu-shot. Just don't get caught lying about it...your job is on the line.
OnePyroTec 05:24 PM 11-07-2013
Just read between the lines. 6 cigars, per size, per manufacturer, per year.
CigarNut 05:30 PM 11-07-2013
The Smoking Cessation program is now sending me text messages asking me questions about my cigarette smoking... Nothing about cigars (and I don't smoke cigarettes)... :-)
Zane 06:55 PM 11-07-2013
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
The Smoking Cessation program is now sending me text messages asking me questions about my cigarette smoking... Nothing about cigars (and I don't smoke cigarettes)... :-)
I would be a little... Annoyed.... Tell them you no longer smoke cigarettes. You have been cured!
CigarNut 08:50 PM 11-07-2013
Originally Posted by Zane:
I would be a little... Annoyed.... Tell them you no longer smoke cigarettes. You have been cured!
In order to qualify for the insurance benefit I need to go through the entire program.

I was really clear with them that I have never smoked cigarettes and am typically smoking 2-3 cigars a week.

Clearly, they have a few kinks to work out :-)
Porch Dweller 07:00 AM 11-08-2013
Them: You VILL be cured of your nasty cigarette habit, yes?
You: For the nth time, I don't smoke cigarettes!
Them: Denial is not just a river in Egypt, yes? <claps hands> Sgt. Schultz, bring in ze comfy pillow!

shark 01:12 PM 11-08-2013
Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill:
Wonder what the insurance companies are going to do if the country legalizes grass in the next couple of years? It is medicinal, isn't it? :-)
Well, so is tobacco. It relaxes me and keeps me from choking the living sh** out of some people. :-)
CigarNut 03:04 PM 11-08-2013
I saw my doctor and he told me that the nicotine gum will give me more nicotine in one dose than I am likely to get from a months worth of cigars...
bruceolee 03:11 PM 11-08-2013
It's happening everywhere and it sucks my friend. The hit to the budget hurts a lot so in order to save money and make a statement I've elected to purchase cheaper cigars from a place not in good standing with the United states right now. I will not support the United states in any form of taxes regarding tobacco so it's a huge sacrifice on my part, not buying these wonderful cigars that are fully supported by our country. It pains me with every inhalation that i take from these unsupported and poor quality cigars from an island 110 miles south of key west! I want and dream of nothing more than to pay my fair share for my country but I can no longer, in good conscience, purchase these amazing smokes. I sit alone at night smoking a RASCC, Bolivar PC, and or, monte #4 and I weep, I weep for my country and for the misery I'm in smoking such poor cigars! :-)

The money part sucks but this is what we have to live with until the voting public comes to its senses. I'm truly sorry for all of us right now :-)
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