Sports>Lifetime Ban for A-Rod?
Blueface 01:12 PM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
With A-Roid it is not just a PED issue. That is just issue one. He recruited players into Bio, when the story broke he attempted to pay off witnesses to keep quiet he lied to MLB during the investigation. Not sure if anyone listened to ESPN radio this morning but they had a biographer on who wrote about A-Roid after his public admission. He was associated in High School with people who had access to steroids. Can if be proven he was using PEDs since High School probably not. Can you assume with what you have seen that he has been a user his whole life? I personally think he has been cheating from the very start. A-Roid does not care about baseball and knows at this point he has zero chance to make money off the game when he retires and the HOF is completely gone for him. He is fighting not to be able to play but to be able to collect $100M still on the contract. If he never plays another game I won't be sad.
Posted via Mobile Device
The Poet 01:15 PM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by Blueface:
If he accepts the suspension, or does not contest it even if doesnt accept it, that will be all the proof in the world.:-)
The whole thing seems to me like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. If you accept a plea bargain, you are guilty. If you fight it, you are hiding something and thus are guilty.
Hey, I keep telling you I don't like this jerk any better than the next thinking guy. I merely want justice done, not spiteful vengeance.
Blueface 01:43 PM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by The Poet:
The whole thing seems to me like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. If you accept a plea bargain, you are guilty. If you fight it, you are hiding something and thus are guilty.
Hey, I keep telling you I don't like this jerk any better than the next thinking guy. I merely want justice done, not spiteful vengeance.
Can't look at it that way.
If innocent, you defend yourself.
If you accept a plea, you are guilty and have a reason to take the plea, generally to reduce your sentence/punishment.
Happens in criminal courts and prosecutors offices every day.
If we applied same logic, those criminals with now convictions are the A-Rod you refer to.
Just food for thought.
shilala 01:53 PM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by 688sonarmen:
As for the players in the 1950s using PEDs where is the evidence for this? I have heard it so many times but never have seen any proof.
It's just a known fact. Realize PED stands for "performance enhancing drug". You can dump alcohol, vitamins, cocaine, and any other substance in that category. It's not just steroids.
There are lots of books that reference the topic of drugs in sports, like "A History of Drug Use in Sport: 1876-1976: Beyond Good and Evil" By Paul Dimeo.
I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you haven't seen any proof, you're not looking, brother.
The Poet 02:46 PM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's just a known fact. Realize PED stands for "performance enhancing drug". You can dump alcohol, vitamins, cocaine, and any other substance in that category. It's not just steroids.
There are lots of books that reference the topic of drugs in sports, like "A History of Drug Use in Sport: 1876-1976: Beyond Good and Evil" By Paul Dimeo.
I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you haven't seen any proof, you're not looking, brother.
688sonarmen 03:37 PM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's just a known fact. Realize PED stands for "performance enhancing drug". You can dump alcohol, vitamins, cocaine, and any other substance in that category. It's not just steroids.
There are lots of books that reference the topic of drugs in sports, like "A History of Drug Use in Sport: 1876-1976: Beyond Good and Evil" By Paul Dimeo.
I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you haven't seen any proof, you're not looking, brother.
None taken Scott
:-) I'll check those out.
shilala 05:08 PM 08-02-2013
Jake, here's an excellent "
Sports and Drugs Timeline".
The good sports/drug/history books are around 40 bucks at Amazon. I don't think that's what you're after, they're like reading a thousand pages of shampoo ingredients.
That timeline is a good little read.
Stephen 04:00 PM 08-03-2013
Originally Posted by 688sonarmen:
I'm with Darren in this one. As for the players in the 1950s using PEDs where is the evidence for this? I have heard it so many times but never have seen any proof.
Maybe they had bacne or their forehead got bigger or some other ridiculous innuendo bullcrap I've had to hear ad nauseum for the past dozen years...
Subvet642 04:27 PM 08-03-2013
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's just a known fact. Realize PED stands for "performance enhancing drug". You can dump alcohol, vitamins, cocaine, and any other substance in that category. It's not just steroids.
There are lots of books that reference the topic of drugs in sports, like "A History of Drug Use in Sport: 1876-1976: Beyond Good and Evil" By Paul Dimeo.
I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you haven't seen any proof, you're not looking, brother.
I've never seen alcohol or cocaine enhance
anyone's performance.
kelmac07 04:28 PM 08-03-2013
Originally Posted by Subvet642:
I've never seen alcohol or cocaine enhance anyone's performance.
David Wells "claims" he pitched his no-hitter drunk.
688sonarmen 04:49 PM 08-03-2013
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
David Wells "claims" he pitched his no-hitter drunk.
That should count for 2.
shilala 05:44 PM 08-03-2013
I just heard a nugget on this...
They say Aroid made a comment after his Double A game last night about MLB (and someone else) conspiring against him, and now MLB has ceased negotiations, saying they're all done.
AdamJoshua 08:44 PM 08-03-2013
Originally Posted by :
MLB has said repeatedly that the Yankees have no place in negotiations and that discipline was the domain of Selig and no one else, a source said. Several sources also said that Selig was "furious" with Rodriguez for telling reporters he would not negotiate, even as his attorneys sought a deal to mitigate MLB's looming punishment.
Typical A-roid, bullshitting out of one side of his mouth while doing the exact opposite. They are saying ban is the rest of this year and all of next.
Ubiquitous 08:53 PM 08-03-2013
Being a Sox fan, I say BAN HIM.
Bluff: if they ban him, this starts a tough road to MLB strictly enforcing a policy they randomly test players to adhere to. There is no clear cut "right answer". I say, cap his pay at the league minimum for the remainder of his career.
BlackDog 09:22 PM 08-03-2013
Sure, ban him for life and let him go do autographs with Pete Rose.
A Mets Fan
AdamJoshua 09:42 PM 08-03-2013
If you dislike the Yankees you DON'T want him banned for life, if they ban him for life the MFYs don't have to pay him anymore, the guy has been pretty much useless for years and set to make 25mm each of the next years, you want him to get 1 yr then "come back and play and get paid".
AdamJoshua 11:33 PM 08-03-2013
I think this is unfortunate.... I think they should have made him play out his contract w/ NYY, at 3rd base, 162 games a year....+ every possible playoff game.
Starscream 02:29 PM 08-04-2013
Originally Posted by The Poet:
If A-Rod was shilling for illegal activity, then he should not be banned . . . he should be jailed. However, though I am no fan of his, I still want to see this proved, not merely "said".
I can't stand A-Rod, but let's have proof before anything rash is done.
Starscream 02:39 PM 08-04-2013
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's just a known fact. Realize PED stands for "performance enhancing drug". You can dump alcohol, vitamins, cocaine, and any other substance in that category. It's not just steroids.
There are lots of books that reference the topic of drugs in sports, like "A History of Drug Use in Sport: 1876-1976: Beyond Good and Evil" By Paul Dimeo.
I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you haven't seen any proof, you're not looking, brother.
Exactly, Scott.
This is my whole argument regarding PEDs. Drinking too much Red Bull before a test and you will get popped by the MLB PED test. Anyone ever read the list of banned substances by the MLB? It's crazy. Sticking a needle in your rear end is one thing, but these guys can't even use a steroid cream to come back from injury and heal. You might as well make sure that players eat only organic foods b/c all of our meat is jacked up with steroids, and most of our vegetables are genetically modified. That stuff is going into their bodies, why not go ahead and ban that too?
Why is this not an issue in the NFL?
Sorry for the rant.