Rating a cigar it is a personal opinion. I always say, cigars are like a woman the more you select then the worse they are!!!
I will trade one of my cigars for one of then...
Originally Posted by Inside_INFO:
Rating a cigar it is a personal opinion. I always say, cigars are like a woman the more you select then the worse they are!!!
I will trade one of my cigars for one of then...
Of course rating a cigar is a personal opinion, no one has a problem with that. It's the fact that you reviewed the burn and taste of the cigar, not from actually smoking one, but rather solely from looking at a picture, which has some of us questioning how one possesses the magical superpowers to do that.
On another note, there is a trades forum here where you can buy, sell or trade non-cuban cigars. It should become available to you in time once people get to know you (the formula is only known to the admins and it is a combination of time and participation). It's generally frowned upon for one to post trade requests prior to the point at which one is granted access to that section of the site.
Originally Posted by Inside_INFO:
For the looks I will guess it will dry you mouth and it will be a very hot burn filling...
Quite the opposite. I've had my share of dry and hot smokes - this was not one. Thus the book and it's cover...