The Hulk 10:05 PM 10-17-2012
Originally Posted by Emjaysmash:
Wordy PM sent.
Take your time. :-)
Response sent your way
The Hulk 10:12 PM 10-17-2012
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
One thing I wish I never got into... PWO. I feel like I can't get a good work out in without taking any PWO, oh and it has to be 3-1 dymeth. These high caffeine pwo doesn't work for me, I up the dosage to 2 scoops and it's just mehhh. PWO is like opening pandoras box.
Yeah they can seem addicting, plus for me I'm not very caffeine sensitive. I blame the Coast Guard for my coffee addiction
:-). A good one that I've taken is called Xpand by Dymatize. It's one of the few that doesn't make me itch from too much beta-alanine. I'm about to try something new though. The bodybuilding competition I planned on doing here has been moved so I have 2 months of bulking to do and could use the extra push. As hard as it is I have to cycle on/off of them so they continue to provide results.
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Armstrong's results speak for themself.
So does his doping.
mosesbotbol 10:46 AM 10-18-2012
What are your thoughts on Cinamon Capsoles? I just ordered ZMA tablets on your recommendation, but some friends were really talking up Cinamon Caposoles, 2 gr a day.
The Hulk 02:38 PM 10-18-2012
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
What are your thoughts on Cinamon Capsoles? I just ordered ZMA tablets on your recommendation, but some friends were really talking up Cinamon Caposoles, 2 gr a day.
The only thing I know of is that it helps boost metabolism supposedly. Other than I don't know to much about it. From what I read it works similar to Cheyenne pepper as far as metabolism boosting goes. I've never taken it as a supplement. I keep my supplementing fairly simple.
The Hulk 06:16 AM 10-19-2012
I guess I could post what I'm taking as of right now. Since the bodybuilding competition has been postponed I am back to a bulking phase. Only with the 5 meals a day I supplement withe following:
20g of micronized creatine (5g in the am and 15 post workout)
20 g of glutamine (10g in the am and 10 g post workout)
*both I take with 8 oz of juice
Pre workout supplement (starting N0 extreme today we will see how good it works) what I look for in these types of supplements is arginine content, beta alanine, and b vitamins. I pretty make take these for better "pump" and energy.
Protein isolate made mostly from wheat ( dairy doesn't like my stomach

All natural multivitamin ( takes longer to break down than synthetic which means more efficient absorption.
Zma before bed
I take in around 1g of protein per lb I weigh.
That's about it. I keep things simple.
hammondc 11:02 AM 11-03-2012
What is your stance on cardio with weight training? I am trying to build lean upper body mass with weight training 3 or 4 times a week and keeping my longer runs going 3 days a week. One day completely off. I want to keep the fat loss going on weight training days so I am trying to fit in a short run of just 2-3 miles before lifting. Is it ok to do those runs at high intensity? I do not want to compromise my weight training.
The Hulk 12:17 AM 11-04-2012
With your goals I would definitely do cardio. Now if you were bulking it would depend on your body fat on what kind and how much cardio you would do. Now I'm not sure if you need to run for your job or not, but the best cardio ive found for pure fat burning is either an elyptical at a high incline or a treadmill set to 15 incline at a 3.5 speed. In about 30 minutes I can usually burn around 600 calories. The treadmill keeps me at a consistent pace and normally will keep my heart rate at my target heart rate. The problem with running for me is I can't keep a consistent heart rate.
What I would suggest is after weight training do 30 mins of the treadmill cardio I mentioned. Also this sounds crazy to some people, but ensure you are working out your legs. People don't realize that your body releases an enormous amount of testosterone when you work legs. This will help that upper body grow.
Originally Posted by hammondc:
What is your stance on cardio with weight training? I am trying to build lean upper body mass with weight training 3 or 4 times a week and keeping my longer runs going 3 days a week. One day completely off. I want to keep the fat loss going on weight training days so I am trying to fit in a short run of just 2-3 miles before lifting. Is it ok to do those runs at high intensity? I do not want to compromise my weight training.
mosesbotbol 06:47 AM 11-04-2012
Originally Posted by The Hulk:
Now I'm not sure if you need to run for your job or not, but the best cardio ive found for pure fat burning is either an elyptical at a high incline or a treadmill set to 15 incline at a 3.5 speed. In about 30 minutes I can usually burn around 600 calories.
That's a heck of a workout... 30 minutes at 15/3.5mph... I like to cycles of 5 minutes whith 3-4 minute mark at 15/3.5 and the rest of the time at 0/3.7.
I do these during my rest period between 4 sets weight exercises.
The Hulk 10:02 AM 11-04-2012
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
That's a heck of a workout... 30 minutes at 15/3.5mph... I like to cycles of 5 minutes whith 3-4 minute mark at 15/3.5 and the rest of the time at 0/3.7.
I do these during my rest period between 4 sets weight exercises.
It is pretty rough lol but I'm currently preparing for a bodybuilding show. Once I'm a month out I will do 45 min after an hour of weights. Now it's only about 3 days a week.
Jon11 10:25 AM 11-04-2012
I work out 5 times a week with heavy lifting and jog 2 to 3 times a week only about 1.5 miles each jog. Everytime I work back or arms really hard, about 2 hours later my biceps start to cramp pretty bad for the rest of the day. It comes in spurts and it feels like a charlie horse in my bicep. Like I said this goes on all day and I don't know how to get rid of it. I tried bananas and plenty of water which I drink lots of all the time and neither seemed to help. Any suggestions?
icehog3 03:43 PM 11-04-2012
Are you stretching your biceps after the workout, Jon? I do a dead hang from a chin-bar for as long as I can hold on, then stretch my back and bi's bt gripping a vertical bar and pulling hard at a full extension.
Jon11 08:27 PM 11-04-2012
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Are you stretching your biceps after the workout, Jon? I do a dead hang from a chin-bar for as long as I can hold on, then stretch my back and bi's bt gripping a vertical bar and pulling hard at a full extension.
No, I am not stretching after the workout. I will try both of these stretches this week to see if they help. Thanks
Fordman4ever 08:53 PM 11-04-2012
What are your views on "legal steroids" or pro-hormones like super-drol or other supplements like that?
hammondc 09:18 PM 11-04-2012
Originally Posted by The Hulk:
With your goals I would definitely do cardio. Now if you were bulking it would depend on your body fat on what kind and how much cardio you would do. Now I'm not sure if you need to run for your job or not, but the best cardio ive found for pure fat burning is either an elyptical at a high incline or a treadmill set to 15 incline at a 3.5 speed. In about 30 minutes I can usually burn around 600 calories. The treadmill keeps me at a consistent pace and normally will keep my heart rate at my target heart rate. The problem with running for me is I can't keep a consistent heart rate.
What I would suggest is after weight training do 30 mins of the treadmill cardio I mentioned. Also this sounds crazy to some people, but ensure you are working out your legs. People don't realize that your body releases an enormous amount of testosterone when you work legs. This will help that upper body grow.
No treadmill or eliptical. I workout with dumbbells/pushups/pullups at home. I can keep a pretty steady heartrate when running as I have been a runner forever. I usually peak at 185-190 BPM. 155-160 is a steady tempo run. However, there are very few flat roads around me so the routes are fairly brutal.
I ask because i have heard both sides of the cardio before or after argument. The testosterone detail is new to me. Like I said, I am not looking to get huge, just add some very lean long muscle to look good. Think Ryan Gosling instead of Arnold Schwarzeneggar.
icehog3 01:31 AM 11-05-2012
Originally Posted by hammondc:
Like I said, I am not looking to get huge, just add some very lean long muscle to look good. Think Ryan Gosling instead of Arnold Schwarzeneggar.
99.99% of us can work out as hard and heavy as we can and would never look like Arnold, Chip. Used to love when people would tell me they didn't want to look like Arnold when I was a personal trainer. Only in one's dreams.
The Hulk 06:13 AM 11-05-2012
Originally Posted by Jon11:
I work out 5 times a week with heavy lifting and jog 2 to 3 times a week only about 1.5 miles each jog. Everytime I work back or arms really hard, about 2 hours later my biceps start to cramp pretty bad for the rest of the day. It comes in spurts and it feels like a charlie horse in my bicep. Like I said this goes on all day and I don't know how to get rid of it. I tried bananas and plenty of water which I drink lots of all the time and neither seemed to help. Any suggestions?
Definitely stretch. Also try drinking pedialite during/ after your workout. That should help. Are you taking creatine or an NO2 supplement?
The Hulk 06:17 AM 11-05-2012
Originally Posted by hammondc:
No treadmill or eliptical. I workout with dumbbells/pushups/pullups at home. I can keep a pretty steady heartrate when running as I have been a runner forever. I usually peak at 185-190 BPM. 155-160 is a steady tempo run. However, there are very few flat roads around me so the routes are fairly brutal.
I ask because i have heard both sides of the cardio before or after argument. The testosterone detail is new to me. Like I said, I am not looking to get huge, just add some very lean long muscle to look good. Think Ryan Gosling instead of Arnold Schwarzeneggar.
The main reason I would say to do weights before cardio is you can work the muscles harder. After cardio you are fatigued effecting the amount of weights and reps you can do. I have tried cardio both ways and after has always been best for me.
The Hulk 06:35 AM 11-05-2012
Originally Posted by Fordman4ever:
What are your views on "legal steroids" or pro-hormones like super-drol or other supplements like that?
I personally have never taken it. But the company has been around for a while and usually in the supplement world that means good things. I have taken legal pro hormones before and they worked for me. The only thing is with oral pro hormones is they are bad on your liver. If you decide to take them cycle off them every other month and take milk thistle half way through the first part of the cycle.
mosesbotbol 06:50 AM 11-05-2012
Originally Posted by Jon11:
No, I am not stretching after the workout. I will try both of these stretches this week to see if they help. Thanks
That and make sure you are drinking enough water and have banana after the workout at some point.