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Island (The other ones) Reviews>Mike and not-Shawn (Ed) reviews Victor Sinclair
shilala 02:30 PM 04-21-2012
Originally Posted by Cigar Mike:
By the way, did I get you the direct mailing address for Phil? If I forgot to do so, let me know and I can PM that to you tomorrow.
You must have because I had an address for him. I sent him a box of stuff yesterday, just to make sure he's good for awhile.
I was afraid you and Shawn were off having fun and he might not have had any smokes on the boat.
Yesterday I called an outfit to buy some pipe tobacco to send him, and they wouldn't let me pay for it. Check it.
I just ordered the cases for him, so everything should be ready to go before the week is up.
DaBear 03:30 PM 04-22-2012
Love readin these reviews, keep enjoyin the smokes. Hope everything is well with Shawn, haven't heard from him in awhile.
Cigar Mike 09:43 AM 04-29-2012
Thanks, Shawn's around again, but we've just had terrible schedules to get together lately. I'm hoping in the next couple days we can get together for another herf - maybe this week.
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