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General Discussion>WhoDeySchenk has a baby!
Remo 11:04 PM 02-16-2012
MurphysLaw 11:05 PM 02-16-2012
Congrats to the proud parents!
WhoDeySchenk 06:55 AM 02-17-2012
No jaundice! Looks like we're bringing our perfectly healthy baby girl home sometime today!
elderboy02 07:20 AM 02-17-2012
Originally Posted by WhoDeySchenk:
No jaundice! Looks like we're bringing our perfectly healthy baby girl home sometime today!
Glad to hear! :-) How is momma?
e-man67 07:42 AM 02-17-2012
Beautiful baby! Congrats bro and mama!
WhoDeySchenk 08:09 AM 02-17-2012
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Glad to hear! :-) How is momma?
Tracy's doing great!!! Not too exausted since she only pushed for 45 minutes...Brooklyn's head was so big they used forceps after a 1 hour break...2 pushes and...POP! She was here!
elderboy02 08:16 AM 02-17-2012
Originally Posted by WhoDeySchenk:
Tracy's doing great!!! Not too exausted since she only pushed for 45 minutes...Brooklyn's head was so big they used forceps after a 1 hour break...2 pushes and...POP! She was here!
Glad to hear it buddy! :-)
Aero95 08:21 AM 02-17-2012
Congrats man!
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