Bill86 10:49 AM 01-31-2012
elderboy02 10:50 AM 01-31-2012
celtic250 10:51 AM 01-31-2012
I got 22 in so far but have to head to class. I Should be able to get a few more in after before it ends.
MurphysLaw 10:52 AM 01-31-2012
Blak Smyth 10:59 AM 01-31-2012
130 so far, going to lunch now. I will try later if I have time before 4:30.
MedicCook 11:06 AM 01-31-2012
galaga 11:07 AM 01-31-2012
Bill86 11:24 AM 01-31-2012
Im in
:-) 10+ and counting
massphatness 11:37 AM 01-31-2012
WyGuy 11:45 AM 01-31-2012
21 total votes...Sorry I couldnt help out more, got to get back to work
Good Luck Brother
Sauer Grapes 12:04 PM 01-31-2012
put in 10 votes. Good luck! May be able to get more later.
Bill86 12:11 PM 01-31-2012
EricF 12:14 PM 01-31-2012
I got 10 more in for ya Scott! I'll try to get some more in during work!
mkarnold1 12:15 PM 01-31-2012
Got another 20, 32 total thus far.
irratebass 12:18 PM 01-31-2012
Fordman4ever 12:37 PM 01-31-2012
shilala 12:42 PM 01-31-2012
You guys are kickin ass.
Weeze has to send in a rough total around 4:00, so if you've got a rough idea of your total for the day, please let me know.
I forget, what time zone are you in, Scott?