CRIMPS 05:40 PM 09-20-2011
Great pics!
Congrats. It looks like you have had a year you will never forget. Hope you have many more.
tedrodgerscpa 05:58 PM 09-20-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Congrats on 1 year, Devan. Remember, a good man can poke fun at himself, so you are a good young man. :-)
This. Life gets pretty painful if you can't laugh at yourself. Congrats on the anniversary.
kelmac07 07:14 PM 09-20-2011
Congrats Devan. Now what's up with that earring?
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Congrats Devan. Now what's up with that earring? :-)
It's not an earring, it's a kill tag from icehog!!!!!
Moose6026 08:05 PM 09-20-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre:
It's not an earring, it's a kill tag from icehog!!!!!
That's awsome
BnBTobacco 08:13 PM 09-20-2011
Congratulations, you've got a good collection there!
massphatness 08:24 PM 09-20-2011
MurphysLaw 08:25 PM 09-20-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre:
It's not an earring, it's a kill tag from icehog!!!!!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ogre again.
:-) :-) :-)
Devanmc 08:54 PM 09-20-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre:
When you first joined, you were a snot nosed little brat, with a few cigars and in the Army. After a year, you have progressed to a royal pain in the A$$ with allot of cigars and in college. Just goes to show what you can achieve when you put your mind to it!! Congrats on the one year brother.
but im like that pin you sat on. you just cant forget about me
:-) :-)
Originally Posted by Devanmc:
but im like that pin you sat on. you just cant forget about me :-) :-)
No, more like a hemorrhoid!!!!!
Devanmc 10:03 PM 09-20-2011
cmitch 10:43 PM 09-20-2011
Looks like there's some room in that cooler for more!
icehog3 11:47 PM 09-20-2011
Old Sailor 12:15 AM 09-21-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Still waiting for my surf pic. :-)
I know it's around
icehog3 12:16 AM 09-21-2011
Originally Posted by Old Sailor:
I know it's around :-):-)
I have yet to see it, the only one who I know has it is Amber (KJ's gf)....but she is not a member.
Congrats Devan, one year and still Tom's little Biotch
longknocker 05:01 AM 09-21-2011
NeuRon 05:03 AM 09-21-2011
devan is good peoples.. you da man!
Devanmc 05:40 AM 09-21-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I have yet to see it, the only one who I know has it is Amber (KJ's gf)....but she is not a member. :-)
emailed me a few but i dont see that one
Devanmc 06:42 AM 09-21-2011
this is one of the safer ones for me to post working on making a Photobucket album