EricF 01:59 PM 09-11-2011
Sailchaser 02:07 PM 09-11-2011
IBQTEE1 07:45 PM 09-11-2011
SmokeyJoe 08:04 PM 09-11-2011
For the families of those lost that day... and for the families of all of those who have given their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan... I offer my prayers for comfort and peace.
Thank you, Lord, for those who have given of themselves so selflessly in service of others.
WittyUserName 10:12 PM 09-11-2011
Today has beed a very powerful day. I never would have thought as a Junior in high school watching those images on the television that I would be here in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba fighting the good fight. I work along side service men and women every day and I cannot express how grateful I am for what they and you do. Thank you all for everything you and those before you have sacrificed for our country. God Bless.
Angry_Pirate 10:25 PM 09-11-2011
icehog3 12:10 AM 09-12-2011
An emotional day, but I never want to forget. And I never, ever will.
longknocker 05:03 AM 09-12-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
An emotional day, but I never want to forget. And I never, ever will.
jwintosh 05:50 AM 09-12-2011
and Amen. tough day at work, though, i received quite a few 'thank you' today. that was nice.