Starz26 12:45 PM 06-08-2011
DBall 12:45 PM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by kickerb:
you're upload speed is super awesome, and very rare!
I work for an ISP.
kickerb 12:48 PM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by DBall:
I work for an ISP.
must be nice, so long as they let you goof-off at work, so you can actually use that speed for something useful
Bill86 12:48 PM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by kickerb:
well doing a little math, it seems you are right on target.
20.72 megabits (Mb) = 2.59 megabytes (MB) you said you would get 2.5MB down
Im on comcastic as well, im satisfied with it. the speeds are good in Tallahassee, FL.
Well, 2.59 MB down is a rarity...more often than not it's a constant 1.5mb/s down. Occasionally I'll get the 2.5mb/s down. But rarely.
It's not just the speeds....for me the service really sucks, comcast could give a F**Kless. They hire really stupid employees and all they will do is "send a technician". I specifically tell them no, I do not want your level 1 idiots on my property. They still repeat the same nonsense.



kickerb 12:49 PM 06-08-2011
yes, i agree Bill, comcast lacks intelligent employees. not sure why.
hotreds 12:52 PM 06-08-2011
kickerb 12:52 PM 06-08-2011
Look out you guys, my work speeds are STUPID FAST!

kickerb 12:57 PM 06-08-2011
it amazes me I get anywork done around here
Da Klugs 12:57 PM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by DBall:
Just for the hell of it, let's see who has the good speeds. Here's one of the benefits of working at a telecom company (this result is at the office, not at home):
Envy sucks!
Eleven 12:58 PM 06-08-2011
DBall 12:59 PM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Envy sucks! :-)
Yeah... I'll post one from my home later, though... then all that envy will be lost. I'm probably about 6DL/1UL if I'm lucky at home...
Genetic Defect 02:03 PM 06-08-2011
CigarNut 02:18 PM 06-08-2011
CueTheMusic 02:40 PM 06-08-2011
kickerb 02:42 PM 06-08-2011
kickerb 02:44 PM 06-08-2011
very lucky! I had those speeds when i was in school. wish i still did that is for sure! most Universities have strict networking rules though, they really punish those pesky file-sharers
Scothew 03:03 PM 06-08-2011
hughesnet sucks.. And i had a DS3 all to myself at work prior to working from home
Genetic Defect 03:05 PM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by Scothew:
hughesnet sucks.. And i had a DS3 all to myself at work prior to working from home :-)
You're only a tik faster than my 3G phone
Salvelinus 03:15 PM 06-08-2011
Seeing some of the results I guess it isn't terrible???