Sherlockholms 10:57 PM 05-16-2011
Originally Posted by papajohn67:
My favorite ships cigar lounge "Churchills Cigar Lounge" on the Island Princess is infested with hoards of cigarette smokers. Never use to be this way, sucks big time!! Hell they have plently of places to smoke but they have decided they have found their own private smoking den. The old bags troop in en mass every couple of hours and hold court. I kid you not one of them told me she did not understand why they allowed cigars and pipes in the place.
What use to be a class cigar lounge has turned into Princess Cruiselines minimart of lounges, cig after cig paired with the folks who come in for their quick fix of 5 or 6 drags and then fly out the door. Ashtrays overflowing with lipstick covered butts.
After complaining to deaf ears it's adios to Princess, 11 cruises with them but no more. Can't wait to exit the ship in a couple of days.
Your on a cruise!

Skywalker 11:39 AM 05-17-2011
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
There have been plenty of positive experiences posted here -- I've read them and even posted some.
The Disney Cruise lines treat cigar smokers pretty well. The two older ships (Magic and Wonder) allow you to smoke on your verandeh or in the smoking areas on decks 9 and 10. On the longer cruises the staff have arranged cigar events in the evenings when there is enough interest. The two newest ships (Dream and Fantasy) also have a cigar lounge.
Good to know!
Thanks Michael!:-)
BeerAdvocate 01:08 PM 05-17-2011
Some bars use to have signs posted that said "Please no cigar smoke".
Cigar bars should have signs that say "Please no cigarette smoke"
TBone 03:02 PM 05-17-2011
What were you thinking Cigars in a Cigar bar?
Tredegar 03:20 PM 05-17-2011
Some people just don't get it.
... but aren't cigarettes just little cigars?

jaycarla 10:55 PM 05-17-2011
Sorry to hear it John, that is non-Giggity for sure. I am a fairly tolerate guy, but the ouster of Cigar and Pipe smokers in what are now defined as "cigarette only" areas baffles me to this day.
I will cut my rant though and wish you a speedy return from your vacation. Maybe you can slip a No Cigarette sign outside the entry on your way in, can at least buy you some time for a quickie.