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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Question about humidor and humidity
Bageland2000 03:13 PM 02-11-2011
Frank (and others) thanks so much for the feedback. I ended up getting the medium sized 70% rh beads. I am going to avoid getting a cooler because I'll be building a Vino soon. I'm sure with the tube in there I'll have no problem keeping the humidity up.
Bageland2000 07:33 PM 02-16-2011
How long can I expect it to take for the cigars to normalize once the humidity goes from 52% to 70%?
Ranger_B 09:41 PM 02-16-2011
I am not sure I understand. Are they not normal now? If the cigars where stored out of optimum conditions it will all depend on time and type of cigar/tobacco on how long for them to come back.
CigarNut 10:00 PM 02-16-2011
It can take several weeks for the cigars to reach your desired humidity. It's OK -- cigars are pretty resiliant and they will be fine.
Bageland2000 07:08 AM 02-17-2011
Originally Posted by Ranger_B:
I am not sure I understand. Are they not normal now? If the cigars where stored out of optimum conditions it will all depend on time and type of cigar/tobacco on how long for them to come back.
They are normal, I was referring to their humidity levels. TBH they don't even seem like they're that bad, and most are in cello and as far as I can tell seem fine.
longknocker 07:35 AM 02-17-2011
Originally Posted by Bageland2000:
How long can I expect it to take for the cigars to normalize once the humidity goes from 52% to 70%?
I Like To Rest All My Sticks @ 65RH/ 65-70 Temp For At Least 2 Weeks In My Own Humi Before Smoking.:-) :-)
Bageland2000 03:33 PM 02-17-2011
OK just got the tube
I put it straight in the humidor. I don't need to add any distilled water to it correct? Just asking because the beads sound dry...

EDIT:nvm read directions again, added the water...
bobarian 04:06 PM 02-17-2011
Originally Posted by Bageland2000:
OK just got the tube
I put it straight in the humidor. I don't need to add any distilled water to it correct? Just asking because the beads sound dry...

EDIT:nvm read directions again, added the water...
Only add enough water so about 2/3 turn clear dont soak it. I like to spritz it with a spray bottle.
Bageland2000 04:12 PM 02-17-2011
Originally Posted by bobarian:
Only add enough water so about 2/3 turn clear dont soak it. I like to spritz it with a spray bottle.
yep that's what I did, though I used the syringe that I bought with it...
76GTFan 04:29 PM 02-17-2011
Originally Posted by Bageland2000:
yep that's what I did, though I used the syringe that I bought with it...
Funny thing when I add water is I always have to put the beads in a ziplock for 24 hrs so the RH won't spike. Doesn't matter how much water I add.
Bageland2000 10:30 AM 02-18-2011
Hmmmm, I added the water so that the beads were about 80% full and left the tube in over night (about 18 hours) and the RH is only....58%. Is it possible that the wood is still absorbing moisture? Do I just need to give it more time? Ideas? Thanks to everyone sticking with me on this, just want to make sure I'm caring for my cigars...:-)
CigarNut 11:05 AM 02-18-2011
Originally Posted by Bageland2000:
Hmmmm, I added the water so that the beads were about 80% full and left the tube in over night (about 18 hours) and the RH is only....58%. Is it possible that the wood is still absorbing moisture? Do I just need to give it more time? Ideas? Thanks to everyone sticking with me on this, just want to make sure I'm caring for my cigars...:-)
Yes. Be patient.
bobarian 11:20 AM 02-18-2011
It could take a week or more, just give it time. Your cigars will be fine.
Bageland2000 12:10 PM 02-18-2011
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
Yes. Be patient.
Cool, no prob thanks guys
Bageland2000 11:28 AM 02-20-2011
up to 66%. Good to go thanks guys
thecatch83 11:47 AM 02-20-2011
Great news!
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