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General Discussion>Another f#$&ing Apple discussion; Verizon iphone
mmblz 01:22 PM 01-31-2011
Originally Posted by HK3-:
:-) Awesome! Does it have a slot in the side to insert the quarters?

"Please add another .25 cents to extend your call by 5 minutes."
I don't know - we'll have to wait and see!
All I know is I spend in a year what most people spend in 2 months on their cell phone plans :-)
icehog3 02:16 PM 01-31-2011
Originally Posted by mmblz:
I don't know - we'll have to wait and see!
All I know is I spend in a year what most people spend in 2 months on their cell phone plans :-)
I just went this route too, with unlimited calls, texts and internet. Between that and canceling my home phone, by bill went down more than 75%...and my service in on the AT&T network, so it's exactly the same as it was before.
dunng 08:15 PM 01-31-2011
It is reported that Apple is going to be using a new radio chip that supports both CDMA and GSM therefore the next iPhone could support both networks with the same hardware...
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