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All Cigar Discussion>Is your Humidor count getting low?
cort 02:50 PM 01-08-2011

shvictor 02:58 PM 01-08-2011
Originally Posted by Cort:

Yeah you only have one humidor right?:-)
cort 03:04 PM 01-08-2011
Originally Posted by shvictor:
Yeah you only have one humidor right?:-)
Well one of them is getting low.:-)
Apoco 03:10 PM 01-08-2011
My cooler and humi are both stocked. Especially because I haven't smoked in like 2 weeks. Just not into it lately :-)
mscales 03:20 PM 01-08-2011
Mine must be low because I keep buying cigars. Humidors are full but I keep seeing some tasty deals and and that is all she wrote.
liltim 03:37 PM 01-08-2011
I'm still a newbie so I only have a 150 count humi but because of the cold winter months I have been able to keep it fully stocked. Actually that damn CBid is making it overflow. Hopefully once things warm up a bit I will be able to enjoy more cigars and I'm sure I'll need to start looking at coolers by then.
ahc4353 03:50 PM 01-08-2011
Knip23 03:55 PM 01-08-2011
I'm right there with ya brother. If I was to smoke like I want to id be out in about a week. So I just pace myself a little bit. Now if I can stop gifting people I would be good. But who knows maybe ill buy a box this year. Happy smoking everyone.

Smokin Gator 04:06 PM 01-08-2011
Chemyst 04:11 PM 01-08-2011
I usually smoke my cache down in the spring, summer and fall,
then restock during the fall and winter.

I'm next to full up, now. Only room for something too good to
pass up, but less than a box.

Don't smoke much in winter, anyway.

Chemyst :-)
688sonarmen 05:23 PM 01-08-2011
I went the way of the ant and grasshopper and stocked mine during the summer before the cold, Christmas, B-days, and V day hit.
kelmac07 05:25 PM 01-08-2011
Plenty of sticks here. :-)
14holestogie 05:26 PM 01-08-2011
I'm down to my last 8...

humidors. :-)

...and a cooler

All near the top. :-)

Cold weather = less hour plus smokes getting torched.
smokinpeace 05:43 PM 01-08-2011
Doesn't seem I'm able to get out of acquire mode. It's a tough problem to have.
Bax 05:48 PM 01-08-2011
I'm not doing too bad, I guess I'm in the minority.Of course that situation is in constant flux:-)
klipsch 05:55 PM 01-08-2011
I endured a nerve racking round of box tetris this morning, to keep from having to get a cooler. I've already promised myself...NO COOLERS! I couldn't stand to see all that empty space. And I can't justify ongoing antics like the last couple of years... :-)
theonlybear4CORT 06:51 PM 01-08-2011
Si :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
tobii3 06:52 PM 01-08-2011
Knowing that I'm only 4 months away from my cabinet, I could smoke 12 a days and still not run out.

Problem is,right now, if I'm lucky...I smoke one in a week.


Smoked two sticks with my buddy last night....last stick I smoked before that was Christmas...
Drez 07:32 PM 01-08-2011
I hadn't bought some sticks in about 11 months until lately so I'm in restock mode. My vino is full and sadly I had to bust out the cooler to house about 30 sticks so I have plenty of room.
ahc4353 07:33 PM 01-08-2011
Originally Posted by tobii3:
Knowing that I'm only 4 months away from my cabinet, I could smoke 12 a days and still not run out.

Problem is,right now, if I'm lucky...I smoke one in a week.


Smoked two sticks with my buddy last night....last stick I smoked before that was Christmas...
You have a buddy!? :-)

That's funny right there I don't care who you are. :-)
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