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All Cigar Discussion>What's on the (cigar) menu today?
Whynot 12:03 PM 12-25-2010
Opus X Power Ranger
Tatuaje Cojuna 2006
Diesel UHC
and since it is already 9:30 at night here, maybe a DPG Blue Demitosa when I walk the dogs one last time later.
Bill86 02:06 PM 12-25-2010
I got up late as usual so probably just an 08 Cohiba Robusto
pennjones 03:13 PM 12-25-2010
Right now is a Diamond Crown Maximus Figurado from the 2005 TAA set! Mmmm good!
MurphysLaw 03:18 PM 12-25-2010
Had my first Dirty Rat today, pretty nice way to celebrate...
ashtonlady 03:47 PM 12-25-2010
PAM 26 80th figurado, yummy
nick2021 03:50 PM 12-25-2010
Originally Posted by Bunker:
I am sure a lot of you brothers have something special saved so what are you planning for today?

Not sure on the order yet, but right now I plan to burn:

AF Anejo 49 (a bomb from Smelvis)
Tat Tenderloin (from Santa)
I forgot to bring some good smokes with me :-) Going to have to see what I have as my uncle is expecting to smoke some good stogies with me...hopefully the B&M will be open tomorrow as I will be having a late smoke. An anejo or viaje sounds good...
Dukeuni 04:49 PM 12-25-2010
Thinking about going to the local casino and smoking a RA Grandes that I received from my secret santa. Since Oregon does not allow smoking in any business, I have to go out to the indian reservation casino to smoke without freezing my butt off.
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alpha8a 07:05 PM 12-25-2010
You can't even smoke inside B&Ms in Oregon?
hscmit 07:07 PM 12-25-2010
Originally Posted by alpha8a:
You can't even smoke inside B&Ms in Oregon?
aint that some bs
Steelergar 08:26 PM 12-25-2010
A Pepin made Padilla Miami. Man I am gonna miss those sticks I only have 2 left.
Dukeuni 11:35 PM 12-25-2010
You cannot smoke in most B&M's in Oregon (there is only a handful in Oregon). The exception is "cigar lounges", and these had to be in operation before the smoking ban a few years ago. There is not many of these, but luckily some B&M's like Rich's and Broadway cigars in Portland have that designation.
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Ogre 09:06 AM 12-26-2010

This is my plan for the day
guitar4001 09:44 AM 12-26-2010
for x-mas eve I smoked a RyJ Churchill from about 02' and for x-mas day I smoked a specially rolled Nat Sherman. Both very good.
JJG 12:20 PM 12-26-2010
Last night had a FFOX while trying out my new set of clubs :-)

not sure about today yet, but last week I smoked an Oliva MB3 that was damn yummy, so I may stop by the B&M and grab another one.
Bunker 12:32 PM 12-26-2010
I managed to smoke the three I had planned yesterday.

I took the wife to the beach and nubbed the Anejo 49 while standing just behind the sea wall in front of Nantasket beach watching the waves pound the rocks. It was awesome.
alpha8a 06:37 PM 12-26-2010
Originally Posted by Dukeuni:
You cannot smoke in most B&M's in Oregon (there is only a handful in Oregon). The exception is "cigar lounges", and these had to be in operation before the smoking ban a few years ago. There is not many of these, but luckily some B&M's like Rich's and Broadway cigars in Portland have that designation.
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Oh ok, well that's better than nothing I guess. Michigan is like that too now.
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