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All Cigar Discussion>What Do You Tell Them?
hscmit 11:01 AM 10-16-2010
Originally Posted by madwilliamflint:
I blow smoke in their face and then suggest they engage in an attempt to procreate in solitude.
The Poet 11:42 AM 10-16-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
I just ignore them...
Pretty much the same for me, up to a point. First I'll just say "OK", and will drop it if they do. If they persist in telling me that smoking can be harmful for one's health, I remind them that the same is also true when it comes to sticking one's nose into some stranger's business, as it is a damn good way to get said nose broken. :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 11:49 AM 10-16-2010
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Pretty much the same for me, up to a point. First I'll just say "OK", and will drop it if they do. If they persist in telling me that smoking can be harmful for one's health, I remind them that the same is also true when it comes to sticking one's nose into some stranger's business, as it is a damn good way to get said nose broken. :-)
icehog3 01:36 PM 10-16-2010
"I see dead people".

That should send them packing, confused.
kydsid 01:44 PM 10-16-2010
nciht spreaken sie e english
Posted via Mobile Device
icehog3 01:46 PM 10-16-2010
"Ich sehe verstorbenen personen."
markem 01:52 PM 10-16-2010
I'll have you know that these are authentic JFK collectibles.
kgraybill 09:40 PM 10-16-2010
I tell them that I feel sorry for people that don't smoke, drink ... because eventually, they will die of nothing.
warren G. 09:47 PM 10-16-2010
I just light up another cigar.
MajorCaptSilly 09:59 PM 10-16-2010
I paid more for this cigar than you paid for your shoes. I suggest you let me enjoy it.

Kiss079 10:26 PM 10-16-2010
"It's cheaper than the two eight-balls and bottle a Jack that I used to go through a day" :-)
Matt-N-Ga 10:55 PM 10-16-2010
I usually tell them ( if its a male) that smoking helps me relax, which lowers my stress level, which lowers the chances that I may fly off the handle at the first stupid remark I hear, which in turn for him means a slightly ( I say slightly cause I'm sure he's annoying regardless) chance that I'm going to punch him in the face for asking me the annoying question in the first place.
Matt-N-Ga 10:55 PM 10-16-2010
If it's a female, I politely tell her I'm married...that usually ends it right there. LOL
Stinky 11:34 PM 10-16-2010
My response has varied over the years. However, you've given me some good ideas!

My wife has a cousin she is very close to. She's a career RN (nurse) and anti smoker. One time she made a typical wise crack directed at my cigar smoking in front of several other cousins. Knowing they were heading out for "drinks" I said: Do you drink?
She said: Well, yes.
I said: Then, shut up!
They all laughed and I said my daily cigar (or two) is not what's going to kill me! "All things in Moderation."

To the occasional butt-in-ski:
"You have cool aide all over you lips."

"The tobacco-Nazis have you brainwashed so you don't see our nation consuming soda, ice cream and potato chips all day."

"You, my friend, obviously have no class."

"Cigars help with my anxiety disorder! My parole officer gave me this box of cigars because I went a month without bustin someone in the nose!"

to an old woman:
"Hey! Come on, now. I didn't complain that YOU smell like dead fish!"

and, for people who know me or our family:
"Cigar tobacco is unlike all other tobacco. It's specially grown and blended for flavors & aromas. It's the only tobacco that is fermented. Fermentation sweats out the ammonia and most of the nicotine. Cigars are enjoyed for the flavor, aromas and relaxation. And absolutely not to be compared to cigarettes!"
gvarsity 11:52 PM 10-16-2010
Most cases I know of good samaritans showing concern for my health due to my cigar smoking are really just trying express they don't like cigars behind false concern. It is insincere and/or ignorant. There is often an assumption that since cigarettes are toxic any tobacco product is equally toxic which documented to be untrue. Regardless it is almost never sincere concern rather than (poorly) hidden disapproval.

Like many other people have already stated these same people don't seem to feel the need to show concern over my consumption of alcohol (a known toxin), fatty food, high fructose corn syrup or other high calorie zero nutrition food or beverage, almost any calorie free sweetner, the fact I drive or ride in a car etc... etc... The cigarette smoker chiding the cigar smoker for health issues is the most ridiculous. All of these activities are significantly more likely to shorten my life than smoking cigars.

Generally I ignore these people. In the rare case it is sincere but ignorant I explain the actual risks (as best we can tell) to the point their eyes glaze over and they leave me alone. If they are rude about it I respond accordingly. For the most part I just don't give a damn about their concerns.
warren G. 12:17 AM 10-17-2010
I remember I told this nice couple "It's no worse then a Big-Mac..." They went "AHHHH you're right..."
Bill86 12:22 AM 10-17-2010
I also make it a point that I ingest gallons of whiskey and eat nothing but meat. If it isn't a dead animal I don't want it. Then I tell them the risks of all the sugar in the soda they drink....usually they are half confused or laughing and leave me be. Either way I win.
Lumpold 07:13 AM 10-17-2010
I actually did some maths last night to further my argument with anti-smokers.
This just covers tax raised by cigarette smokers.

Approx 1/5 of the UK population smokes.
With 62million people, and allowing for children, this makes me put the number of smokers at around 8million people.
Tax on a packet of cigarettes in the EU should be at least 66%.
At an average of £5 a packet, this puts the tax income at around £3.50 a pack.
If we nicely say that British smokers, each, smoke a pack every other day.
This makes a single contribution to the tax coffers of £640, or just under, for each smoker in the UK, with a total of £5,110,000,000, with around £3,000,000,000 or so going to the NHS for treatment of smoking related illness.
Said treatment, by their own accounts, cost the NHS approx. £70,000,000
That makes an overpayment of more than £2bn.
The NHS is apparently losing money on a daily basis.
Imagine how poor the medical service for non-smokers would be if the health tax on tobacco was reduced to an accurate level.
sikk50 11:59 AM 10-17-2010
My favorite is to explain that everybody has to die, and if I'm hightening my chances by doing it at least I know it as opposed to mirical pills or diets that the effects are only seen years later.
Smokin Gator 03:48 PM 10-17-2010
I don't every remember anyone, other than my wife, saying anything negative about me smoking cigars. If they did I think I would just chuckle and walk away. As for the wife... I just don't pay any attention!!
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