View Poll Results: What brand have you smoked the most of this year?
Don Pepin Garcia
Carlos Torano
General Cigars
Altadis USA
Random Boutique/Private/House Blends
EP Carillo
Voters: 223. You may not vote on this poll
Matt-N-Ga 05:51 PM 10-05-2010
Tats for sure this year. I guess CC's are up there as well, but still overall, I think I'm smoking Tats on a regular basis. Noellas.
Smokin Gator 06:10 PM 10-05-2010
I would say it would be pretty close Tat and DPG, but probably more DPG as I smoke a bunch of different stuff of his.
Apoco 06:26 PM 10-05-2010
Arturo Fuente followed closely by CAO. Then not so closely by Tatuaje.
Posted via Mobile Device
Starscream 06:46 PM 10-05-2010
I picked Padron, but it's kind of a tossup between Padron, Perdomo, Oliva, General, and Altadis. If you count Indian Tabac, I'd throw RP products into my mix too.
gijoey959 06:53 PM 10-05-2010
It is a really close battle, but honestly, I think I wouldn't be lying if I said Oliva
bscottskangum 06:59 PM 10-05-2010
Oliva, I have a tendency to go through G maduros like candy. DPG a close second though.
klipsch 07:05 PM 10-05-2010
It would be more interesting if I checked which cigars on the list I have no desire to smoke.
Tat's... Pepins... then Oliva's
Originally Posted by klipsch:
It would be more interesting if I checked which cigars on the list I have no desire to smoke.
Lol, you should make a new poll for that Walt!
icehog3 09:02 PM 10-05-2010
hammondc 10:24 PM 10-05-2010
Tough question. Probably a close split between Pepin and Padron. Of course, there were a lot of LFD and Olivas in there too.
sikk50 10:49 PM 10-05-2010
Perdomo and Padilla for me I think
Goldie 11:00 PM 10-05-2010
Anyone interested in wagering on the only vote for Gurkha being Bob?
Originally Posted by Goldie:
Anyone interested in wagering on the only vote for Gurkha being Bob?:-)
lol, there are actually three culprits! Barcode, Ferrari5180, hammer26a
TripleF 07:38 AM 10-06-2010
TripleF 07:41 AM 10-06-2010
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
I would say it would be pretty close Tat and DPG, but probably more DPG as I smoke a bunch of different stuff of his.
Tat is're a DPG ho....just admit it!
Bunker 07:57 AM 10-06-2010
Hard to say, I made the progression from mild - med to Full so there are a number of cigars that used to be favorites that I no longer smoke.
Lately my humidor is 90% DPG (601, Cubao, My Father, DPG Black, Cabaiguan)
Is DPG really getting a fair shake here
I pretty much consider almost anything Tat to be a Pepin Stick.
I went w/ DPG.
68TriShield 09:50 AM 10-06-2010
Originally Posted by hscmit:
hard to say, 4-8 cigars a week x 40 weeks is about 200 cigars, but if I were to guess, fuente or pepin
Padron Pepin and Brickhouse for me.