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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Ronson Jetlight
LostAbbott 09:19 AM 09-19-2010
PCR. where did you get the lighters? I cannot seem to find any in Seattle.
PCR 09:33 AM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by LostAbbott:
PCR. where did you get the lighters? I cannot seem to find any in Seattle.
I could not find them up here either. I found a 4 for $24 on e-Bay. Gonna try the good info here from all the brothers. Including Vector.
dwoodward 09:44 AM 09-19-2010
I got a lot of 12 Jetlite's on Ebay for 40 bucks just a couple weeks ago. Still working on my 1st one, its working like a charm. I also gifted a few, haven't heard of any issues yet.
mobarbq 10:03 AM 09-19-2010
I looked for mine for over a month and I had about given up. I was told that Wal-Mart carried them, but every store I went to was out. Clerks would say, well, yeah, we used to have some... Well, if you have shopped at Wal-Mart much, you probably notice that any item that does not sell a steady amount, they apparently mark it down and quit carrying it. I found one single lighter in one store, near the registers and it was at the back of a hanging clip. They don't seem to be easy to find. I heard that hardware stores and Walgreens and CVS Drug Stores may have them.
dwoodward 10:52 AM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by mobarbq:
I looked for mine for over a month and I had about given up. I was told that Wal-Mart carried them, but every store I went to was out. Clerks would say, well, yeah, we used to have some... Well, if you have shopped at Wal-Mart much, you probably notice that any item that does not sell a steady amount, they apparently mark it down and quit carrying it. I found one single lighter in one store, near the registers and it was at the back of a hanging clip. They don't seem to be easy to find. I heard that hardware stores and Walgreens and CVS Drug Stores may have them.
It is completely regional. At least, that is what the store manager at one of our 2 stores told me. She knew what I was talking about, which was a relief because everyone else at Walmart apparently has never seen a lighter other than bics. Walgreens here doesn't have them either, its apparently regional with them as well.
RustyShackleford 11:36 AM 09-19-2010
Wow I am surprised yours stopped working already.

One of my two I have had for about a year and it still fires like a champ every time. The hing on the lid broke but that is no big deal.

The other one I have had for a few months and I have had not problems with it yet.

I have been using vector in mine because that is what I have, a friend of mine has used the rosen fuel in his and had no problems with it yet.
14holestogie 11:42 AM 09-19-2010
I've been using these almost exclusively over the last couple of years. A little compressed air blown into the jets seems to clear up the jets for me when the burn gets a little shaky.

I, too, usually wear out the hinges long before they die.
DBall 01:23 PM 09-19-2010
Wow... I've been using my 3 of these for 3 years each... I don't know what is meant by purging and use ronson jet fuel... these things last forever. Bad batch?

Samsquanch 01:28 PM 09-19-2010
I found some at the Rite-Aid in Issaquah for a little over $4. We were there randomly grabbing some Coke on our way to a friend's house and I thought I would at least take a look and sure enough, they were there on the end of the aisle with the regular Bic lighters.

Originally Posted by LostAbbott:
PCR. where did you get the lighters? I cannot seem to find any in Seattle.

itzfrank 02:13 PM 09-19-2010
Maybe some candy?
Smokin Gator 03:24 PM 09-19-2010
I have a handful of Ronsons scattered around. I used to use Vector in mine, but had a couple fail. I can't remember who it was, but they told me to try Ronson fuel in them. I have used in exclusively in them for a couple of years and have had zero issues. I know that really doesn't make any sense and there is no way I would use it in my good lighters.
Montano 03:43 PM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by Montano:
I'm going to get my lawn chair and some popcorn :-)
Need more popcorn :-)
awsmith4 04:01 PM 09-19-2010
Here the CVS and Rite-Aid have plenty of Ronsons but the Wal Mart and Walgreens do not carry them.

Like stated by Tom, I use only Vector (well ok sometimes Lava) in mine and never have issues. Mkae sure you completely purge them, this goes for any lighter, and them fill them with good fuel. Maybe the ones from fleabay came from a bad lot, if so PM me and I'll send you one from the local store.
PCR 04:35 PM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by awsmith4:
Here the CVS and Rite-Aid have plenty of Ronsons but the Wal Mart and Walgreens do not carry them.

Like stated by Tom, I use only Vector (well ok sometimes Lava) in mine and never have issues. Mkae sure you completely purge them, this goes for any lighter, and them fill them with good fuel. Maybe the ones from fleabay came from a bad lot, if so PM me and I'll send you one from the local store.
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?
14holestogie 04:50 PM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by PCR:
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?

CI has Vector.
dwoodward 04:53 PM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
Originally Posted by PCR:
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?

CI has Vector.
CI also sends you 2 cans per order. And the cans are HUGE mind you lol.
Samsquanch 04:59 PM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by PCR:
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?
I've found Vector locally in the Seattle area, not sure of any cost savings using CI but at least you wouldn't have to pay WA sales tax :-)
dwoodward 05:01 PM 09-19-2010
Originally Posted by Samsquanch:
I've found Vector locally in the Seattle area, not sure of any cost savings using CI but at least you wouldn't have to pay WA sales tax :-)
My local B&M carries it too... but the single can cost is like $15... So I'd rather get two from CI for less lol.
awsmith4 06:14 PM 09-19-2010
Local B&Ms carry Vector as well as Williams and Sonoma, the cans may be big but I go through a can every 2 months or so
icehog3 06:20 PM 09-19-2010
I bought a 4 pack of Vector cans 4 years ago, and I think I have over 2 1/2 cans left. :-)
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