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General Discussion>I need advice from you parents
icehog3 12:43 AM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by colinb913:
That's pretty close to my dad. "nothing comes good of guns". I just need to find a way to prove him wrong.
Maybe his thought is not wrong....for him. Make your case, then respect his decision while you live under his roof, even if you disagree with it. :-)
ValorBali41 01:21 AM 08-08-2010
Tell him it will only be a range and hunting gun, and if he wants it to be, a home defense gun. Take the safety courses, and show that you can be responsible.

Also, tell your dad that you will buy a safety device: CLICK (Inexpensive yet effective) That only he will have the keys to. And tell him that you will store ammo in the garage in a lockbox as well which he will have the key to. Plus you won't have to buy a full safe.

Good Luck! :-)
mosesbotbol 08:15 AM 08-08-2010
It sounds like it's beyond the safety course that his parent's are against. It's just having guns in the house. Some people just don't want guns in the house like they don't want snakes on a plane, lol...

Even if you told your parents the guns would be partially disassembled, in a safe, with trigger locks, they would not go for it. You have to respect "their" rules.

The same can be said for many activities from sex to religion that may strike a dischord between generations.
ValorBali41 10:46 AM 08-08-2010
You could keep it at the range or in a storage place. Or in a shed in your back yard. It isn't in his house then :-)
TripleF 10:53 AM 08-08-2010
Colin -
Remember this.....A Man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

If you're Dad doesn't want anything to do with guns or you having them, there's nothing you can do to change his mind. Sorry, but that's the truth. You'll grasp this truth completely as your become more experienced in life.

Keep shooting when you can!! :-)
CigarNut 01:05 PM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
...Make your case, then respect his decision while you live under his roof, even if you disagree with it. :-)
This is really important. As Tom said, make your case. Use logic, don't whine. It should be a discussion, not an argument. Whether or not you get what you want, be sure to thank him for listening. Prove to him that you are a man, not a child. This will help you in any future discussions.
colinb913 01:45 PM 08-08-2010
Well like I said me ax him were shooting yesterday out back, and he said he wants to do it again sometime soon. So things are going in the right direction.
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