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All Cigar Discussion>Nose Hairs
ucla695 10:33 PM 08-03-2010
I have that after I clean out the Weber Kettle. Could be residual smoke in your nostrils.
SaltyMcGee 11:56 PM 08-03-2010
Could this be the problem?

Darrell 12:09 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by massphatness:
What the hell are you smoking, dude?
dwoodward 02:09 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by Chingas:
Ok. So point taken. I just laughed my ass off reading these comments. Ok. So I'm the only one in the world. That's cool. I can live with that.

If anyone wants some good ol Dirty Jersey tar laden genuine nose hairs, swing on by my pad. I'll hook you up!
Next time you send out a bomb you can include a little baggie of your "nose hairs"...

Hmmm... You should clip your nose hairs like once a week for a month and then roll them up and smoke them... who knows the flavors you might encounter? :-)
Chingas 03:44 AM 08-04-2010
Duly noted there Derrick. Don't give me too many ideas.
mariogolbee 04:11 AM 08-04-2010
When I used to go to raves this would happen to me. That was along time ago though. I think I had some black snot after herfing once indoors with little ventilation too IIRC.
Chris. 05:41 AM 08-04-2010
I have experienced brown buildup in my nose when I blow it after smoking a few cigars as well. I'm not quite sure what it is, but it has to be something from the cigar. I think it's tar from the smoke.
Chingas 10:02 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by Chris.:
I have experienced brown buildup in my nose when I blow it after smoking a few cigars as well. I'm not quite sure what it is, but it has to be something from the cigar. I think it's tar from the smoke.
Finally! I'm not alone!
rostamizadeh 10:18 AM 08-04-2010
Wow... never experienced this myself, and hope I don't in the future. So what brand(s) do I need to stay clear of to avoid having this problem?
CigarNut 10:21 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by rostamizadeh:
Wow... never experienced this myself, and hope I don't in the future. So what brand(s) do I need to stay clear of to avoid having this problem?
Chingas 10:23 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by rostamizadeh:
Wow... never experienced this myself, and hope I don't in the future. So what brand(s) do I need to stay clear of to avoid having this problem?
Stay out of Jersey

Don't work at an Oil Refinery

Don't smoke three sticks a day

and don't inhale and exhale thru your nose

and i'm guessing you should be alright!
rostamizadeh 10:28 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by Chingas:
Stay out of Jersey

Don't work at an Oil Refinery

Don't smoke three sticks a day

and don't inhale and exhale thru your nose

and i'm guessing you should be alright!
I'm surprised hair can even grow in such a hostile environment. :-)
HK3- 10:34 AM 08-04-2010
Brown yes. Black, no. If I herf it up for quite a few hours I can get some tar when I blow me nose. Never seen black stuff though.
Chingas 10:38 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by HK3-:
Brown yes. Black, no. If I herf it up for quite a few hours I can get some tar when I blow me nose. Never seen black stuff though.
Black, Brown, now were just nit picking. The Sh!t ain't yellow!
BradNC 10:43 AM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by bsmokin:
on second thought....


kaisersozei 10:54 AM 08-04-2010
Nice review.
Chris. 12:15 PM 08-04-2010
IIRC it has only happened when smoking maduros...
e-man67 12:21 PM 08-04-2010
This actually happened to me alot in London...the air is filthy and sure enough black boogers come from the nose.
Chingas 02:24 PM 08-04-2010
Originally Posted by BradNC:
You guys are Bastards!


Clean in the morning. Thats the pic after a Siglo II and a Monte 2.
Mugen910 02:26 PM 08-04-2010
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