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General Discussion>I got in an accident...
Mugen910 12:40 PM 11-04-2008
Well you are ok so that's good...
loki 12:41 PM 11-04-2008
Originally Posted by sikk50:

The other side was fine, he basicly caught the edge of my bumper and the tire (33" mud terrains stick out pretty far when turning luckly)
looks like your truck should be repairable unless he tweaked your frame then who knows
dcamacho 01:13 PM 11-04-2008
sorry to hear about your accident, thats one of the scariest things ever! im glad your okay man, well wishes to him too
webjunkie 01:16 PM 11-04-2008
Glad to hear that you're okay. I probably would have had to go change my pants even if I'd only seen it happen.

Originally Posted by sikk50:
Yeah I was suprised myself. One of the few men I've seen driving one.
Actually, a friend of mine from GA drives one and loves it. I can't understand why. :-)
sikk50 03:26 PM 11-04-2008
Well, doctor says I have a pinched muscle so I don't get pain killers, unless it hasn't gotten better by tomorrow
SmokeyJoe 03:27 PM 11-04-2008
Originally Posted by sikk50:
Well, doctor says I have a pinched muscle so I don't get pain killers, unless it hasn't gotten better by tomorrow
Glad it wasn't more severe and doesn't look like it will give you any long-term issues. Stay safe! :-)
icehog3 05:29 PM 11-04-2008
I'm glad the injury isn't too serious! :-)
CBI_2 05:41 PM 11-04-2008
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
Trucks can be replaced, you can not. (I sound like my mom.)
:-) Prayers for both of you and that your back is not serious.
DPD6030 06:24 PM 11-04-2008
Glad your doing ok. I tell you what Chevy Tahoes are great in accidents. I hit a tree at 40 MPH and only got a broken wrist (the first time) and a cut on my eyelid.
Cigary 07:23 PM 11-04-2008
Originally Posted by mrreindeer:

I'm glad you were drivin' a Image and I hope that both of you are ok.

Man, what's with people lately? I just bought my first car back in April. 5 days later, someone ran into me, into my left quarter panel (that is, left rear wheel), apologized multiple times and told me to call his employer and they'd take care of everything.

Two weeks later, the freaking bastard changed his tune, realized that his job as a driver could be in jeopardy and decided to lie about it. I've had to shell out my $1,000 deductible as a result. Fortunately, insurance paid the rest and it's fine.

Now just last week, I'm driving down the freaking road (a service street) and I see this driver in front of me driving erratically and almost side-swiping MANY cars on the road. Stupidly, I decide to get away from her and SPEED UP and go in front of her, thinking I could get away from this crazy person.

I'm trapped in traffic and come to a stop at the light in front of me. This crazy lady comes to a screeching halt behind me. Thank God, I think, she didn't plow into me, just like she's avoided multiple near misses already.

At the green, I bolt forward and notice she's still sitting at the light, digging for something in her car. I've got like 50 yards on her and I think I'm in the clear. Then I notice that she's accelerating FAST. And she's now right on my a$$. I pull to the right, she pulls right behind me. I pull to the left, she pulls right behind me.

I say Image and pull from the left lane into the left turn lane to get out of the way and since I can't go anywhere else because of traffic.

Noticing that she's finally slowing ahead of the red light ahead, I pull back into the left lane. At this point, having been on my headset talking with a buddy and then hanging up to call 911, I'm having a lovely conversation with 911 telling them that a crazy person is driving on the road and about to get into an accident and possibly kill someone. And yes, I told them I was crazy for remaining driving on the road with her, yes, I know. I'm a complete idiot, but of course, many of you know that about me.

So I'm having a lovely conversatioon with 911 and I tell them, "she's right behind me now.....and now & now she's FUccCKING HIT ME!"

I deserved it, surely.

So I get out of the car and ask her, 'what are you doing?' At that point, a little guy goes up to this frantic woman and tries to console her. Again, Image, this gal hit ME. Where's my TLC?

This gal is compltely nuts-o. She's absolutely hysterical, telling us that she's in an abusive relationship, that she has to get to school to pick up her 2 kids (yeah, real safe) and if she's late or her husband finds out about this, well, she'll be sorry. She also confesses that she's just gotten out of a therapy session....

And I point out to her (and the little guy helping her nods in agreement), 'Lady, you almost got into several accidents even before running into me'.

Get this, the lady says and I quote, "But I corrected myself."

"Yeah, by running into me!!!!!!"

So the lady and the little guy think I'm making a big stink out of nothing because actually, and I'm VERY VERY surprised by this, there is virtually no damage to either car. There'a little (and I mean very little) rubbing on my rear bumper. I'm stunned.

But I'm not going to let this crazy woman go and go pick up her kids.

Anyway, the cops helped us exchange info but told us that they couldn't submit an accident report if there was no damage. All I told them to do was follow that woman if they were, in fact, going to let her continue to drive (STUNNED is me) and pick up her kids.

They told me that they weren't sure she was going to be able to drive because her license was expired and her insurance very well could have been too.

Freakin' people.
Holy ****!! I love LA. I worked and lived there from 1975 til 1989 and I can tell you my fair share of road rage stories esp when we were, uhh ,,,,I mean when they were shooting at people on the freeways.

Anyone driving an SUV in LA is ok in my book but here in Atlanta you need a f'n halftrak to deal with these NASCARholes who burn rubber at the light and then come braking into the red light. On the freeways are a different story as they all think they are at Talledega and if you are out of state ( which the BMW still has Ca. plates ) they don't like that you are trying to pass them so it becomes a friggin race with them.

Of course those brothers who live here in the area are not being lumped into this category of crazy drivers.
hotreds 07:36 PM 11-04-2008
Glad you are relatively ok! Yep, it does help to drive a big vehicle- that's why all these million mile per gallon aluminium foil cars will cause even more carnage on the roads of the US.
greenwit 07:50 PM 11-04-2008
Glad to hear there won't be permanent injuries. Makes me think of something that came to mind a few weeks ago when I bought my new insurance. I don't have it and if your car is totaled the insurance will only pay on the depreciated value. I think that's how it works.
shilala 08:34 PM 11-04-2008
I hope you're okay, Andrew. Last time I was in a wreck I felt pretty good the first day, but the next day I was sore from head to toe. It was really weird.
Lay back and take it easy. I'll send up a prayer for ya. :-)
sikk50 12:12 AM 11-05-2008
Thank you all again for your well wishes and prayers. They're telling me the truck is a loss, but I'm ok with it. I rather have a totaled truck than a totaled body
rrplasencia 05:51 AM 11-05-2008
good to see you're okay, had that same argument with my wife when i got her the yukon, be the biggest on the road
TripleF 06:07 AM 11-05-2008
Glad you are still with us!!
mrreindeer 10:36 AM 11-05-2008
Originally Posted by greenwit:
Glad to hear there won't be permanent injuries. Makes me think of something that came to mind a few weeks ago when I bought my new insurance. I don't have it and if your car is totaled the insurance will only pay on the depreciated value. I think that's how it works.
Skywalker 11:09 AM 11-05-2008
Glad you are doing good... Sorry about your vehicle... at least it was totaled!!!
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