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All Cigar Discussion>Cigars In History (Apollo 11)
homeless_texan 06:55 AM 04-23-2010
Not sure of the cigar, but one of those pictures is from the Apollo 13 mission.
Huskysibe 07:10 AM 04-23-2010
Is it just me or did Mr. Hyman come across as a little harsh on the drug store reference? We all know that drug stores today are far different than drug stores of yesterday. Maybe I read it wrong though, it is tough to judge tone and inflection in written words.
Skywalker 08:28 AM 04-23-2010
I wish I could get CCs at my local drugstore for 30 cents a piece!!! :-)

Time to build a time machine and go back!!!
icehog3 10:56 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by homeless_texan:
Not sure of the cigar, but one of those pictures is from the Apollo 13 mission.
I just posted some pics I had of cigar smoking at NASA, didn't mean to imply mine were from Apollo 11 like the O.P.'s. :-)
Druid_Geek 03:01 PM 04-23-2010
Build it as a two seat-er skywalker, I call shotgun!
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