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Sports>The Opening Day Thread
Gonesledn 04:53 PM 04-05-2010
my White Sox did nice today... and a killer play by Buehrle
gnbikes 05:30 PM 04-05-2010
Mariner's at Oakland for me tonight. We'll pick up some hotdogs to have for dinner on the way home.
Starscream 05:42 PM 04-05-2010
Has anyone else had trouble accessing
wolfandwhisky 05:51 PM 04-05-2010
Originally Posted by gnbikes:
Mariner's at Oakland for me tonight. We'll pick up some hotdogs to have for dinner on the way home.
Awesome - go Mariners! I'm watching the Houston/SF game now. Lincecum is sharp... tried to pick him up on the fantasy team, no luck, also Kershaw with no luck.

But, ended up with Cliff Lee and Felix the Cat (again, Go Mariners!), Strasburg, and then a couple of decent pitchers to round it out.

I need Lee to get back in and Strasburg to come up... and it could be a good season. Bats need some improvement though - maybe for next season... although Rasmus had a good start.
shilala 07:46 PM 04-05-2010
I managed to get three games in today and a Padron 80th maduro.
Not a bad day. :-)
I'm gonna grab a shower and fall asleep watching game number four. :-)
St. Lou Stu 07:52 PM 04-05-2010
DirecTvers.... don't forget Extra Innings is free this week if you do not subscribe
Darrell 08:17 PM 04-05-2010
A nice opening day game for the Giants. :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 08:47 PM 04-05-2010

Great day for Chicago! White Sox that is. Hopefully they can have a good year.
jmsremax 09:06 PM 04-05-2010
had an oliva master blends yesterday before the red sox opener....what a game!
VirtualSmitty 09:42 PM 04-05-2010
Yesterday I watched the Yanks lose a tough game, today I watched the Phillies just destroy the Nats. Also watched the Tigers beat the Royals. Fun day, already ordered the season package so i'll be getting 80 games a week :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 09:47 PM 04-05-2010
Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty:
Yesterday I watched the Yanks lose a tough game, today I watched the Phillies just destroy the Nats. Also watched the Tigers beat the Royals. Fun day, already ordered the season package so i'll be getting 80 games a week :-)
Didn't watch the White Sox?:-)
VirtualSmitty 09:53 PM 04-05-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Didn't watch the White Sox?:-)
I would have liked to, but I only had that free trial and my choices were limited. I will be as of tomorrow, I think it should kick in by then. Can't wait to see some central division games, gonna be some good close baseball I think. Saw the highlights of the game, Buehlre looked really good.

Today actually worked out, saw a bunch of ex yanks in action. Got to see Bruney pitch with the Nats, and saw Damon and Jackson in action with the Tigers.
icehog3 09:56 PM 04-05-2010
Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty:
Also watched the Tigers beat the Royals.
wolfandwhisky 10:53 PM 04-05-2010
Kotchman rules! Go Seattle!
wolfandwhisky 10:58 PM 04-05-2010
Woo hoo! Mariner Victory! With 4 Oakland errors it may have not been a pretty win, but it was a win nonetheless...
Starscream 08:25 AM 04-06-2010
Despite the Reds losing, it was a good opening day all around.
shilala 08:32 AM 04-06-2010
I'm just now catching the condensed game from Sunday where the Sox paddled the Yanks. The Yanks were really bringing it for the first 5. I'm excited to see how they managed to lose. My guess is that they relied too heavy on their pitching to do what they're supposed to.
I haven't looked at the pitching changes the Yanks made in the offseason. It's tough to bring all the same pitching back the next year with the level of talent they play against. Not sure if that's the case, but I'm gonna find out. :-)
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