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All Cigar Discussion>I'm bored- someone entertain me with an Inmenso review
TheRiddick 03:21 PM 03-31-2010
Originally Posted by BFallehy:
Got word back from Jon, he said he will write a review and here is the start to it.

first third: Jaw hurt
second third: Yaw hurt!
third third: Yaaww Hurrr!!!!!!!!!

I will post more when it is available. :-)
A script for an "adult" movie?

Or a new Rocky movie script?
sikk50 04:04 PM 03-31-2010
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
A script for an "adult" movie?

Or a new Rocky movie script?

That immediatly reminded me where I've heard that before
maninblack 09:37 AM 04-01-2010
I actually bought a bundle of 10 about 3 years ago from CI. Damn things barely fit in my mouth and knocked me on my ass when I smoked them. Of course I nubbed each one. Not a wise idea, but I was a newbie back then and thought they were cool.
NickyTeen 10:32 AM 04-01-2010
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
Yeah, you should see the dog that comes with that "All dogs should be on a leash" sign...
You mean this dog Greg?
Attached: user521_pic2407_1247112381.jpg (66.9 KB) 
TheRiddick 12:07 PM 04-01-2010
Originally Posted by NickyTeen:
You mean this dog Greg?
Yes, and the photo doesn't do him justice, IMO.
T.G 12:35 PM 04-01-2010
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
Yes, and the photo doesn't do him justice, IMO.
Yeah, you need something in there for scale to get an idea of how big he really is. Something about the same size as Henry, something like a Smart ForTwo.
weak_link 07:56 PM 04-01-2010
Originally Posted by T.G:
Yeah, you need something in there for scale to get an idea of how big he really is. Something about the same size as Henry, something like a Smart ForTwo.
A Smart Car? That's about the right size.
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