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All Cigar Discussion>Where do you smoke?
colinb913 06:19 PM 03-14-2010
Come on guys I want to see that smoke oasis of yours!
Jamesc 08:02 PM 03-14-2010
On my deck during the summer time when it is warm. During the winter in my garage and always in my truck.
tedrodgerscpa 08:13 PM 03-14-2010
If not at the house of a PSHC member, or our local B&M, I'm on the porch


During the winter, I hang up clear tent walls (like the kind that are attached to the sides of the big party/wedding tents) fire up a couple of heaters and the fireplace.

I can usually gain 20 to 30 degrees above the outside air temperature by containing the air and heating it.
neoflex 09:28 PM 03-14-2010
In the summer time I like to be out on the back patio with a nice cold drink. Image If I'm not there you can usually find me in the garage, in the car or over a buddies house.
TFULLERY 09:48 PM 03-14-2010
On my couch in my living room my wife is awesome:-):-)
Kreth 10:07 PM 03-14-2010
If it's above freezing, on the porch. In the winter when it's seriously cold, I'll drop by my B&M once a week or so to enjoy a smoke.
Posted via Mobile Device
colinb913 10:12 PM 03-14-2010
TFULLERY: I wish I could smoke in my house!
TFULLERY 10:37 PM 03-14-2010
Come on by you can smoke in mine:-)
icehog3 10:39 PM 03-14-2010
My basement (where my computer and plasma are).

My deck.

My truck.

Anywhere where a group of inmates gather.
klipsch 10:46 PM 03-14-2010
With the in-climate weather right now, the majority of my smoking is done in my living room. A commercial ozone generator kills any cigar odors. :-)
Attached: 19545_1252654609514_1623998714_643408_1324759_n.jpg (44.4 KB) 
colinb913 11:20 PM 03-14-2010
Commercial Ozone Generator.. Sounds very.. Scientific.
ODLS1 12:15 AM 03-15-2010
Mine is not worth the trouble of taking a picture. It's right out my back/side door, sitting in a plastic chair, under a tiny awning, right next to my driveway. I will be moving in a few months, but it won't be much better, maybe a porch.
longknocker 05:14 AM 03-15-2010
On My Back Covered Porch Overlooking My Favorite Place, The Golf Course!:-)
Salvelinus 06:34 AM 03-15-2010
Another for the back deck, which is thankfully devoid of snow right now
mosesbotbol 06:46 AM 03-15-2010
In my livingroom or kitchen.
68TriShield 08:30 AM 03-15-2010
issues 09:18 AM 03-15-2010
My backyard when I'm at home or working (home office).


But I probably spend as much time smoking at a local B&M, Tampa Humidor, as I do at home...

Razorhog 09:38 AM 03-15-2010
Back deck when warm, garage when cold.
nater 10:26 AM 03-15-2010
on my back porch, too bad it is a slab and no real protection from the weather.. Dont smoke in the garage as the vintage cars cant smell like smoke.
CasaDooley 12:06 PM 03-15-2010
My home office.
My back porch.
My truck.
and to quote Tom, "Anywhere a group of inmates gather".:-)
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