bobarian 02:43 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by CasaDooley:
I like USPS. Click -N- Ship online, free boxes (they will even deliver them to your house), fairly inexpensive, delivery conformation and for me have always proved to be faster then UPS or FedEx. I'll miss Saturday deliveries, but I can live with that. :-)
:-) I am quite happy with the service of the USMail. Sure I have had my problems with lost packages and late deliveries, but dropping Saturday deliveries is hardly the end of the world.
ucla695 02:55 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
The USPS is a private corporation. Actually, it's a public corporation. Or neither. It's the only entity that operates the way they are forced to operate (that I know of), and it's way screwed up. But it works.
The goverment does not own them, but they are forced to operate by guidelines that are set by the government.
They take those guidelines and do the best they can to not turn a profit. For many, many years they operated in the black, mainly because of their volume. That surplus kept rate hikes from happening. With the advent of email, they've taken huge shortages in volume and have really wrestled to stay solvent. The rise in fuel costs put a beating on them, too.
Problem is, when they need a rate hike, they have to go to Congress to get it approved. Usually it's too late, because they have to operate to a non-profit budget, and they're always heavily in the red before they can get a rate increase passed. Then they need another rate increase by the time the last one passes.
The good thing about this structure is that the same congress who dictates the crappy rules to which they operate also happen to be the ones who decide if there's mail on Saturdays.
Right there is your answer as to whether it'll ever happen. I can't imagine there's a congress member who's willing to vote that they don't get mail on Saturday.
I'll put ten bucks on Saturday mail staying just the way it is. :-)
Antiquated business model. I can't imagine that Congress will take away their own free postage either. Kinda like voting to give yourself a pay cut...hardly ever happens.....especially in D.C.
e-man67 02:57 PM 03-02-2010
I had several small issues but all got taken care of in the end with USPS...I just don't wanna see folks losing jobs.
markem 03:08 PM 03-02-2010
I've heard that bulk mailings and other services to companies subsidize the rest of the operations. Anyone know how true this is? Based on my mailbox, there are many less mass mailings and catalogs being sent around in the past 2 years, which could help explain the large shortfall.
neoflex 03:19 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by markem:
I've heard that bulk mailings and other services to companies subsidize the rest of the operations. Anyone know how true this is? Based on my mailbox, there are many less mass mailings and catalogs being sent around in the past 2 years, which could help explain the large shortfall.
You also have a good percentage of people paying bills through the web nowadays too, which I am sure hurts the bottom line for them also.
I can't wait until we have portals like the Jetsons so when we order cigars on the web , they show up roughly 30 seconds later.
:-) I would be so broke if it worked that way. Would smoking your sticks as soon as they arrive than be referred to ROOTP?(Right Out Of The Portal)
:-) (insert banned smiley)
wayner123 03:20 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by bobarian:
:-) I am quite happy with the service of the USMail. Sure I have had my problems with lost packages and late deliveries, but dropping Saturday deliveries is hardly the end of the world. :-)
adampc22 03:28 PM 03-02-2010
welcome to my world lol if it wont fit into the walking mailmans bag thay wong bring it on satadays lol its a letter only day
Addiction 05:47 PM 03-02-2010
I don't really care. I mean once you subtract packages how much of what you get in the mail really needs to be delivered physically. Books, bills, letters etc should all be electronic anyway. Except for packages we don't actually really need a post office. And if they only did packages then they could make a profit.
shilala 06:07 PM 03-02-2010
I think the Post Office would be better off if they delivered on Sunday. They'd clean house, being as no one else does it. The overtime must be too killer, or not enough demand.
kelmac07 06:11 PM 03-02-2010
I like my Saturday mail delivery.
Resipsa 06:59 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
Could they be better you bet? Could UPS or FedEx do a better job? Maybe, but the fact is UPS, FedEx and others are not allowed to compete with the USPS for letters.
Could UPS or FedEx do a better job with letters and junk mail? I'm not so sure about that. In fact, Im no economist but maybe it's the mail and junk mail that is killing the USPS. it seems to me it's a lot more cost effective to deliver one package to one address that cost $14.00 to ship, than 30 letters to 15 different addresses for about the same price (at the cost of a 44 cent stamp)
captain53 07:48 PM 03-02-2010
It will not save a dime as they will simply piss it off some other way but I could care less about Saturday delivery. 80% of the mail I get is junk that goes to the grinder unopened and the balance is mostly bills which I don't want to see on Saturday anyway.
Help us all by making the junk mail the same price as 1st class. I don't know about everyone else but I get no less than 12 or 15 "postcard" type advertisements a week in addition to all the 3rd class envelopes all of which go in the grinder unread.
etznova 07:53 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by CasaDooley:
I like USPS. Click -N- Ship online, free boxes (they will even deliver them to your house), fairly inexpensive, delivery conformation and for me have always proved to be faster then UPS or FedEx. I'll miss Saturday deliveries, but I can live with that. :-)
Its funny you say that because the USPS is UPS's largest customer how else do you think your overnight and two day letters and packages get accross the country. the USPS doen't have planes so thats why they use UPS. So just a little fyi those that avoid UPS and go with USPS are more than likely still using UPS.
icehog3 09:16 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by CasaDooley:
I like USPS. Click -N- Ship online, free boxes (they will even deliver them to your house), fairly inexpensive, delivery conformation and for me have always proved to be faster then UPS or FedEx. I'll miss Saturday deliveries, but I can live with that. :-)
Originally Posted by bobarian:
:-) I am quite happy with the service of the USMail. Sure I have had my problems with lost packages and late deliveries, but dropping Saturday deliveries is hardly the end of the world. :-)
I'm with the two wise men above.
CasaDooley 12:38 AM 03-03-2010
Originally Posted by etznova:
Its funny you say that because the USPS is UPS's largest customer how else do you think your overnight and two day letters and packages get accross the country. the USPS doen't have planes so thats why they use UPS. So just a little fyi those that avoid UPS and go with USPS are more than likely still using UPS.
:-) PM sent
Originally Posted by bobarian:
:-) but dropping Saturday deliveries is hardly the end of the world. :-)
Except to the thousands (we're talking 5 digits) who will become unemployed.
CasaDooley 01:42 AM 03-03-2010
Originally Posted by drob:
Except to the thousands (we're talking 5 digits) who will become unemployed.
I believe Bob was referring to, as I was, those of us that look forward to Saturday deliveries of "certain items". I am sure all of us hate to see anyone lose their jobs or suffer a reduction of income due to budget cuts.
DPD6030 05:00 AM 03-03-2010
Well I know I gave them a ton of $ in 2009 and have backed off in 2010. I can go without mail on Saturdays.
massphatness 05:57 AM 03-03-2010
emotionally, i'm attached to saturday delivery -- live without it? of course. like the prospect of not having it? nope.
Wharf Rat 06:46 AM 03-03-2010
Originally Posted by Christoff:
Personally, less bills coming in on Saturday means less headaches for the weekend. I agree with several posters' opinions in this thread.
1. General cuts in federal spending are paramount at the moment, we are going broke faster than a crack addict.
Its not Federal spending... Check Shilala's post. They're controlled but not supported by Washington.
But, they are rotten marketers. Saturday delivery is their only unique service. Take that away and they've got nada.