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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Nub holder?
Razorhog 02:31 PM 02-25-2010
Originally Posted by homerjay19:
I like the Corn Cob holder idea, I would try RAMBO style but I am a little clumsy and it would leave some battle wounds..:-)
LOL me too. I don't think I have a knife worth of that!
T.G 02:39 PM 02-25-2010
The first, the original and still the best, the ramclip:


And you know you have a genuine ramclip because it says "Merck Medicus" on it.
(ram is too cheap to actually buy any of this stuff, so he just takes stuff from work and sends it out in bombs)

Accept no substitutes!
neoflex 02:47 PM 02-25-2010
Could always go with a thumb tack is all else fails.
LooseCard 03:05 PM 02-25-2010
I picked up a Draw Poker that doubles as a holder as well.

Got it thru a group-buy here, too.
Giant & 49er Fan 03:40 PM 02-25-2010
this one is sold by a tampa local.
ucla695 08:05 PM 02-25-2010
Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
Corn on the cob holders work perfectly.

That's what I use and they work very well! I'll also use a toothpick in a pinch. :-)
marge796 08:29 PM 02-25-2010
Originally Posted by darkninja67:
Toothpicks work for me


Good & cheap!

Neuromancer 01:24 AM 02-26-2010
I just used a small bamboo skewer...worked just fine...I also use them to open up a cigar that's only moderately plugged...but that doesn't happen that often...
MTBAlex 01:59 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by Emjaysmash:

Go RAMBO style!
LOL. awesome!
darkninja67 09:46 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by marge796:

Good & cheap!

Plus they add that extra woody flavor to the smoke. :-)
Razorhog 10:13 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by Neuromancer:
I just used a small bamboo skewer...worked just fine...I also use them to open up a cigar that's only moderately plugged...but that doesn't happen that often...
Great idea on using a bamboo skewer as a draw poker :-)
slickster81 07:22 PM 02-27-2010
PM sent to MCSmokey, but Slick's Trick Sticks will be available again soon, just have to make some more up. Order now, and I will get them out ASAP!
boom 10:36 AM 02-28-2010
There is also these.... Draw tools I make they also work well as a nub tool...

Bella Mente 01:43 PM 06-08-2011

I just bought one from called a "stogie nubber holder". Looks a little nicer than a paper clip but I like the resourcefulness! :-)
hscmit 02:07 PM 06-08-2011
skewers work pretty good too

OLS 02:54 PM 06-08-2011
"Nubbing cigaaaaaarss", how GAUCHE. :-)
DMK 04:46 PM 06-08-2011
I've made them out of about 6" of light gauge wire. Twisted loop with two prongs for spiking the nub. Or I also keep a small corn cob pipe for dropping the nub into to finish.:-)
loki 04:56 PM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by slickster81:
Works great as a nub holder, doesn't slip or spin....oh, and they also work pretty well as a draw poker too!

$18.00 shipped (P@P@ fee included)
that's awesome
loki 04:57 PM 06-08-2011
i use an ice pick...which was surprisingly hard to find...that i chopped down and dremmeled to fit in my travel humi better
Hippiebrian 06:05 AM 07-29-2011
Don't mean to resurrect such an old thread, but the obvious was missed. It may come from growing up in the 70's, but the good old fasioned roach clip works wonders!
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