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General Discussion>Twitter
jmsremax 06:43 PM 02-23-2010
I used it for 3 days thinking it would be cool to follow some financial and sport gurus but I didn't feel it was that great since I still go to ESPN and WSJ etc
Mr.Erskine 07:08 PM 02-23-2010
I follow Bill Simmons of He's pretty entertaining.
BengalMan 10:37 PM 02-23-2010
Yup, I'm on there. OlivaIan
Green Lantern 12:28 PM 04-08-2010
I signed for Twitter for Work. check it out CoronaCigarAlex
Darrell 12:30 PM 04-08-2010
I stopped using Twitter. It's lame.
The Poet 03:44 PM 04-08-2010
When it comes to tweets, I'm all thumbs.
RUNYYFan 08:52 PM 04-10-2010
I think much of the lack of understanding regarding Twitter relates to how people use it. If all you are using to connect to Twitter is the web interface, then you are missing about 90% of the content because you are only looking at the tweets of those you have chosen to follow and the trending topics.

A third-party app like TweetDeck or HootSuite is much more robust and allows far more functionality in terms of searches. As an example, I have a column that searches for all tweets with the word "cigar" in it. The tweet does not have to include the hash (#) tag to be included in the results. Thus, I can get comments like "Close but no cigar" just as easily as I get tweets from @TheCigarChick and @Bonitasmokeshop.

For those in business, the benefit of this type of search relates to what people are saying about the products your company sells, and not just the name of the product but your company's name as well. These types of keyword searches are also helpful if you want to do some competitive surveillance on your competition as well.

Certainly this isn't the end-all-be-all of Twitter, but hopefully it will give some ideas of how social media can be used. ... Just my $0.02.
yellowgoat 05:01 PM 06-02-2010
does this mean we are all a bunch of twits then?

i had stopped using twit for a long time because I couldn't remember my user name or password and the email account that i used was deleted. So, today i signed up again...

sincityjeff is my new one. i'll probably use twit so i can ***** about nothing when i'm out and about. :-) :-)
SaltyMcGee 05:13 PM 06-02-2010
saltymcgee on twitter....makes it easy for an idiot like me to remember!
The Poet 05:13 PM 06-02-2010
Twitter? Hell, I don't even care what I'm doing most of the time, so why should I feel somebody else should?
newcigarz 05:37 PM 06-02-2010
newcigarz on Twitter.
loki 05:40 PM 06-02-2010
dirtyunclekevin is my user name...don't expect much from me
Trharris1972 01:48 AM 06-03-2010
I tweet here is my page
T.G 01:56 AM 06-03-2010
Only on here.

s0leful0ne 02:09 AM 06-03-2010
Originally Posted by ucla695:
Not of fan of tweeting...just can't wrap my head around it, but more power to those who do.
I like to see it as public text messaging. :-)
Walt 05:06 AM 06-03-2010
You can find me here -->
Don Fernando 01:15 PM 06-03-2010
just created one
OHRD 02:03 PM 10-26-2010
I'm on there,
Volt 02:12 PM 10-26-2010
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
Does not, and will not. Facebook is creepy enough. I have no reason to inform people of minutiae. PBO twitters. Spastic 20-somethings twitter. Other people twitter. I have no interest in their twits, really.

:-) :-) CA is as close to social interaction that I do on the

interwebs. The only real twitter I know is Tweety Bird.
Superbad 07:47 PM 10-26-2010
Freekitiki on Twitter.
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