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All Cigar Discussion>tatuaje verocu #9
jerseystepup 04:43 PM 01-11-2010
i know this had NOTHING to do with Pete Johnson... but this is just another bad experience ive had to add to the many when trying to get my hand on a particular not so regular production tat... im done trying
TripleF 05:22 PM 01-11-2010
I ordered yesterday afternoon......hoping, hoping I don't get the call.... :-)
Ratters 09:12 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by Patrick B:
I ordered at 145pm Friday. Mine are en route, will be here tomorrow according to the UPS tracker. Guess I got lucky on this one. Shitty they ran out so quick.
Yep, ordered mine early Friday and the shipped them same day. Bummer for those that they ran out for. I wonder why they just won't do a rain check? Hell, I'd be fine with that, just ship them out when they come back into stock.
acarr 09:15 PM 01-11-2010
Well I just got my shipping information so I guess they didn't cancel mine which was ordered midday yesterday.
Tripp 09:22 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by Ratters:
I wonder why they just won't do a rain check?
I'd assume that this was actually a close out, and they don't plan on getting more...... Or they're jerks.
newlifetaxidermy 09:28 PM 01-11-2010
Order shipped...placed it Sat night.
Ratters 09:29 PM 01-11-2010
Hmmm, they did this sale a while ago, and it wasn't a closeout? Maybe they are just jerks. :-)
pennjones 09:47 PM 01-11-2010
sucks, I ordered 2 boxes, one saturday night and one sunday morning, and they cancelled both orders, said they were sold out before hand.
njstone 09:52 PM 01-11-2010
Yea, I'd call back if I were you. It was probably an error of some kind. It's worth the trouble, these are good for $5!
acarr 09:53 PM 01-11-2010
It sounds like everyone that ordered two boxes had theirs canceled.
pennjones 09:58 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by njstone:
Yea, I'd call back if I were you. It was probably an error of some kind. It's worth the trouble, these are good for $5!
I did call back, they said that they were sold out and there were no rainchecks or backorders. I even talked to the lady that sent me the email and explained that 1 box was ordered earlier than the other, but no luck. If anybody wants to let go of a box I'll be happy to take them off your hands!
JE3146 10:12 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by acarr:
Well I just got my shipping information so I guess they didn't cancel mine which was ordered midday yesterday.
So you did get a box :-)
acarr 10:13 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by JE3146:
So you did get a box :-)
Had to buy it myself!
mariogolbee 10:37 PM 01-11-2010
I received my shipping info!:-)
Adriftpanda 10:39 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by mariogolbee:
I received my shipping info!:-)
mario, how am I going to send you smokes you are already getting? Sucka
mariogolbee 10:41 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
mario, how am I going to send you smokes you are already getting? Sucka
rlmedic 09:59 AM 01-12-2010
Just looked again and it says that I ordered them 1/11 they shipped on 1/11 and UPS tracking number has them arriving tomorrow. I will let you know if they make it
cricky101 08:12 PM 01-12-2010
I ordered mine the afternoon of the 10th and I got tracking info on the 11th. Scheduled to be delivered on the 14th.
rlmedic 07:40 PM 01-14-2010
Mine made it safe and sound
MajorCaptSilly 08:02 PM 01-14-2010
I'm hurt and angry.

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