Neuromancer 10:07 AM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
i wasn't trying to catch you..I just wasn't sure.
Definitions of jury rigged on the Web:
•improvised: done or made using whatever is available; "crossed the river on improvised bridges"; "the survivors used jury-rigged fishing gear ...
•Jury rigging refers to makeshift repairs or temporary contrivances, made with only the tools and materials that happen to be on hand. Originally a nautical term, on sailing ships a jury rig is a replacement mast and yards improvised in case of damage or loss of the original mast.
Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
Main Entry: jer·ry–rigged
Pronunciation: \ˈjer-ē-ˌrigd\
Function: adjective
Etymology: probably blend of jerry-built and jury-rigged
Date: 1959
: organized or constructed in a crude or improvised manner <a jerry–rigged plan>
So both are correct...ya learn something new every day...
Skywalker 10:16 AM 12-21-2009
coastietech 12:00 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by Neuromancer:
No intention to burst your bubble, and my info my be out of date, but I used to hold a FCC General Radiotelephone License with a Ship's Radar Endorsement...unless they made changes I don't know about don't you need to hold a class II technician's license to repair microwave ovens? Furthermore do you have a meter that checks for microwave leakage? Given the fact that you jury-rigged the door locking mechanism if the seal is not good you may be leaking microwave energy and that's not good at all...dunno what type of computer engineering schooling you're referring to, so if you already know all of this please feel free to ignore me...:-)
I would have to say that as long as he replaced the component with a similar component he should be fine. As far as the door goes, the latch shouldn't effect the ability of the door to block the energy from escaping unless it didn't close all the way and left a large gap. Microwaves are built with shielding and unless he cut into or damaged the shielding the microwave would still be good.
I wouldn't recommend anyone without experience attemp to fix the shielding in a microwave or the actual "microwave" circuitry. Sounds like his problem was a power supply issue and not a "microwave" issue.
Take this for what it's worth... For the record I'm an electronics tech with a background in everything from radar and HF transmission to avionic electronics including IFF and navigation.
JE3146 12:12 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by Neuromancer:
No intention to burst your bubble, and my info my be out of date, but I used to hold a FCC General Radiotelephone License with a Ship's Radar Endorsement...unless they made changes I don't know about don't you need to hold a class II technician's license to repair microwave ovens? Furthermore do you have a meter that checks for microwave leakage? Given the fact that you jury-rigged the door locking mechanism if the seal is not good you may be leaking microwave energy and that's not good at all...dunno what type of computer engineering schooling you're referring to, so if you already know all of this please feel free to ignore me...:-)
I have more common sense than that man.
Basically there were two switches that were activated by 2 spring loaded latches. When the door is closed, the switches are thus actived and the it's safe to use. I didn't modify anything regarding the door protection or what not. I just removed the plastic bezel surrounding it and fabricated a small peice of plastic to hold the spring in place that broke off. Thus allowing the spring loaded latches to operate like normal and replaced the plastic bezel when I was done.
So unless a dab of hot glue near but not even touching the frame of the protective metal shielding is harmful..... I see nothing wrong.
The circuit boards inside had a loose IC chip that was easily fixed by some hot glue holding it in place. Why it wasn't directly soldered to the board to save 15 cents is beyond me. Either way it was a stupid easy fix on both parts and nothing to get concerned over
Really you wouldn't need a degree for such a fix
:-) .. it just helped to know what to look for on the board.
JE3146 12:15 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by 68TriShield:
Don't invite the smash cousins again :-)
Unfortunately they're coming back, but they've been limited to 1 day of stay versus 4 nights.
We'll see how it goes
Either way the microwave is off limits this time.
JE3146 12:24 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
That's good stuff, Jordan.
That's pretty much what I do for a living. :-)
Be careful, it'll take over your mind. Then you'll wish you went to school to learn how to drink beer and make coffee. :-)
I can make excellent coffee, too, by the way. :-)
Technically last term I took a class on Beers, Wines and Spirits...
I did go to school to learn how to drink beer.
Though everything they taught me I already knew.... Intro courses are boring sometimes
Mugen910 01:06 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by coastietech:
Take this for what it's worth... For the record I'm an electronics tech with a background in everything from radar and HF transmission to avionic electronics including IFF and navigation.
So does this mean I can send you my 6 disc car radio and you can fix it for me Joe?
:-) I hate not having the option of playing CDs.
coastietech 01:20 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
So does this mean I can send you my 6 disc car radio and you can fix it for me Joe? :-) I hate not having the option of playing CDs.
I can take a look at it... I make no promises that I can fix it though.
What kind of car do you have? If you happen to have a Ford I have a the OEM headunit that came with my truck that I don't use.
Let me know if you want me to take a look at it for you.
Mugen910 01:45 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by coastietech:
I can take a look at it... I make no promises that I can fix it though.
What kind of car do you have? If you happen to have a Ford I have a the OEM headunit that came with my truck that I don't use.
Let me know if you want me to take a look at it for you. :-)
kaisersozei 02:40 PM 12-21-2009
Cool work, Jordan! Although I'm still trying to figure out
Originally Posted by JE3146:
Needless to say they broke a lamp shade, a garbage can...
How the hell do you break a garbage can?! That takes some talent..
TonySmith 02:42 PM 12-21-2009
Good fix, Jordan
Soon all the relatives will be bringing broken appliances
JE3146 04:04 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
Cool work, Jordan! Although I'm still trying to figure out
How the hell do you break a garbage can?! That takes some talent.. :-)
One of those metal kitchen garbage cans with the foot lever. Basically the lil $h!t just sat there and stomped the foot lever till the lid no longer went up. Fixed that last year by bending some steel wire to replace the cheap plastic rod setup it originally had.
Still doesn't work 100%, but it functions.
Starscream 04:34 PM 12-21-2009
Originally Posted by JE3146:
Last christmas the entire family came in to town to my parent's house, which included a couple of cousins that seem to not have respect for other people's property.
Clark? Clark Griswold? Is that you?