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All Cigar Discussion>Tatuaje T110
Stick 08:26 PM 11-15-2009
Originally Posted by thebiglebowski:
what's the size of this cigar?
4'5" x 52
colimo 12:28 AM 11-16-2009
i sent off an email the first day i saw this post ....never heard anything...guess i wont...oh well
Silound 01:48 AM 11-18-2009

I'm on the listeses, yes I am!

aLSO, LOTS OF COFFEE AT NEARLY 2AM OH DAMN CAPs lock was on, anyway coffee is good for you drink more!

JOYJOYJOYJOYJOY! I got on the listeses I dids!
Adriftpanda 01:50 AM 11-18-2009
Got a reply from marvin, and I am on the list for a box. Thanks for the heads up man. Can't wait for my xmas gift.
Gonesledn 06:07 AM 11-18-2009
glad to hear guys!
colimo 11:30 AM 11-18-2009
finally got email from marvin, im on a wait list :-):-)
mariogolbee 05:12 PM 11-18-2009
Got an email from Marvin, also on the wait list. What does that mean? Does that mean I'm actually getting a box or is it just a polite email saying no?
Ahbroody 05:26 PM 11-18-2009
No mario.
I am pretty sure what that means is that if those of us on the list cant produce the cash when requested those of you on the wait list will get a shot. I am definetly getting a box as well a matt at west coast.
mariogolbee 03:33 AM 11-19-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
No mario.
I am pretty sure what that means is that if those of us on the list cant produce the cash when requested those of you on the wait list will get a shot. I am definetly getting a box as well a matt at west coast.
Thanks for the answer Mike. I figured that's what it meant. Oh well. Another time perhaps.
Poronico 03:47 AM 11-19-2009
I am going to stop reading T110 threads lol I smoked one fell in love and never seem to have loot when they are being sold :-)
klipsch 08:42 AM 11-20-2009
Gonesledn 07:26 PM 11-20-2009
yummmmyyyy.... look what happened to show up on my doorstep today. these are from the original release, from a private party, and not the new one due in december/january

think i am going to head out to the garage and fire one up now!

klipsch 09:14 AM 11-21-2009
Nice score! That private party wouldn't happen to have the initials MC...would they? Because I know theirs are from the second roll in August. The December shipment is the September roll. The original batch was produced in April.
mariogolbee 12:59 PM 11-21-2009
Very nice score indeed. Regardless of when they were rolled I wish I had those right now. I had one the other day and I loved it.
Ahbroody 01:37 PM 11-21-2009
colimo 05:10 PM 11-21-2009
nice...maybe ill get your spot on the list and get off wait list...:-)
Nuckz23 10:10 PM 11-21-2009
Damn missed out. I really want to get my hands on more of these and the porkchops.
Otaku Son 03:46 PM 12-14-2009
Did anyone get their hands on these? I'd love to trade if anyone is willing!
Ahbroody 05:23 PM 12-14-2009
he wont be shipping till after christmas so you will need to hang tight. My extras are spoken for
sboyajian 07:59 PM 12-22-2009
Glad I placed my order for 14 boxes first week of Nov. :-)

(don't worry.. box split).
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