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General Discussion>A heads up for all...
GoldnGT 12:20 PM 10-28-2009
Gratz to both of you!
Eleven 12:34 PM 10-28-2009
Good news! Babies rock!

Glad I am done, and its good to see other ppl still procreating!

kenstogie 12:45 PM 10-28-2009
I love my kids they are awesome, but no more for me thanks. Nothing like it.
Scothew 01:47 PM 10-28-2009
68TriShield 02:10 PM 10-28-2009
Congrats to you both!
mariogolbee 02:26 PM 10-28-2009
GKitty 02:27 PM 10-28-2009
Congratulations, Doc & Nerdy!!!
Powers 02:42 PM 10-28-2009
icantbejon 02:57 PM 10-28-2009
That's awesome....congrats. My wife is so bitter while prego that she can't drink or smoke. I do try hard not to do it in front of her now but occasionally she just has to deal. Like tonight for example while the weather is fantastic.
kelmac07 05:13 PM 10-28-2009
Congrats to both of you!! :-)
tuxpuff 05:14 PM 10-28-2009
hotreds 05:16 PM 10-28-2009
Congratulations and prayers for a trouble-free pregnancy and delivery!
The Poet 05:16 PM 10-28-2009
Best of luck to all three of you, and don't worry - we won't tell a soul.

BTW, what's your Facebook page again?
nozero 05:24 PM 10-28-2009
Chris. 06:45 PM 10-28-2009
Congratulations and I hope the pregnancy goes well for you two! Good luck! :-)
str8edg 07:02 PM 10-28-2009
Great news! Congrats! It is a VERY exciting time.

Here is to NO morning sickness for her
CBI_2 07:59 PM 10-28-2009
Congrats! :-)
Veritas 03:33 AM 10-29-2009
Congratulations! Here's wishing you the best.
DoctorBJ 06:59 AM 10-29-2009
I've already agreed to no smoking in front of her for a while. Doesn't means a smoke on the way home, when she's outta town, or at a buddies. :-)

And I promised her a bottle of very old scotch after the kid is born.
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