Homebrewer 11:10 AM 10-24-2009
My advice is to go to college somewhere far from your parents. When I was 20 I packed everything I could into a Volkswagon bug and drove 500 miles away to go to San Diego State. They never tried to tell me what to do again.
While you live with them, you just have to be sneeky. You are 18, so make your own decisions. You're old enough to vote and die for you country so your old enough to enjoy a stogie in my book. Just don't smoke near their house and read some of the threads on getting rid of cigar smell.
icehog3 11:13 AM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by Homebrewer:
While you live with them, you just have to be sneeky. You are 18, so make your own decisions. You're old enough to vote and die for you country so your old enough to enjoy a stogie in my book. Just don't smoke near their house and read some of the threads on getting rid of cigar smell.
Old enough to vote, old enough to die for your country....I guess that would make one old enough to get their own place where they can make the rules.
Cigar_Noob 11:24 AM 10-24-2009
:-) thanks for all the advice guys
:-) I'm still talking to my parents about this
:-) and going against their rules? well if I wanna live in hell till I move out...I really think I should just get their permission
:-) haha.
Powers 11:27 AM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by Mr. Ed:
Are your parents prohibiting you from smoking completely or just around the house? If it's the latter this is what I say:
If you really want to smoke a cigar be smart about it. If you're not allowed to smoke inside or around the house just get creative. Find a B&M, a clearing in the woods (Vermont has woods right?), smoke on the porch of a friend's house, drive out to some field some where and enjoy a cigar.
If your parents are not letting you smoke at all you should probably sit down and have a serious conversation about this hobby and what the actual health risks are.:-) Like pnoon said, open dialog is vital.
Some websites and studies dealing with health and cigars:
1. http://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/tcrb/monographs/9/ - The National Cancer Institute monograph on cigars, pretty comprehensive. Compelling reading, but it is tinged with some exaggerations and bias. Overall a good read though.
2. Two responses to the NCI study above: http://www.cigardiary.com/index.php?...age&PAGE_id=30
3. http://www.cigargroup.com/faq/health/ - Great resource for most of the major scientific studies done on cigars and health effects the last 40 years or so.
4. http://stogiefresh.com/journal/Cigar...r_Science.html - The entire website is operated by a doctor I believe and has a lot of good information not only on some interesting science behind cigars, but reviews, and cigar history articles as well. Here is an article about cigars vs cigarettes particularly health risks : http://stogiefresh.com/journal/Cigar...igarettes.html
great info!
btw i'm in college and don't live at home but my parents don't know i smoke......ssshhh!

Cigar_Noob 12:09 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by dunng:
I don't have anything to add on this subject... but you might want to grab the mail before your parents today... :-)
lol nothing came in the mail today
:-) so I got till monday to do that
:-) but my folks wouldn't make me destroy it.
NCRadioMan 12:18 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I agree with most of the folks above...while you live with your parents, live by their rules. When you get yuor own place, the decision is all yours.
:-) Can't argue with this at all.
However, you do have a much, much greater change of dying by getting the flu or even driving to school or work than dying of cigar smoking.
poriggity 12:34 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Old enough to vote, old enough to die for your country....I guess that would make one old enough to get their own place where they can make the rules. :-)
Agreed 100%. You don't like the rules, get your own place. End of story. Respect your parents...
Uflbassin 12:39 PM 10-24-2009
I'm in college and far away from home... but when I do go back I always smoke a cigar with my dad, so its never been an issue. I'd say if you wanna smoke, go to college.
Cigar_Noob 12:53 PM 10-24-2009
I just want to make something clear with all of you. You are all pretty much quoting others saying don't argue with the parents its their rules, and move out and such, but I feel it necessary to just point out...I'm taking your guys advice..I wasn't even planning (from the beginning) to put a cigar in my mouth till the parents choose to let me....I'm not one for being that much of a rebel
Martin 01:02 PM 10-24-2009
Google Cigarettes vs. Cigars, spend some time reading, educate yourself on the subject.
Listen to your parents while you're under their roof, and leaving just to smoke cigars would be more than stupid, IMHO
gnukfu 01:10 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob:
I just want to make something clear with all of you. You are all pretty much quoting others saying don't argue with the parents its their rules, and move out and such, but I feel it necessary to just point out...I'm taking your guys advice..I wasn't even planning (from the beginning) to put a cigar in my mouth till the parents choose to let me....I'm not one for being that much of a rebel :-)
Good thinking. As stated above, once you are self-sufficient and have your own place where you are "out of the nest" then you will have more freedom to do what you want. You have plenty of years ahead of you to take up cigars if you wish. I didn't start smoking cigars until I was 49 for instance.....I'm 39 now....it's a miracle tell ya!
Cigar_Noob 01:20 PM 10-24-2009
woot...my dad says the deal is I smoke one with him for common ground...he has Bronchitis...you guys think this will hurt him? he insists it wont...grrr.
tsolomon 01:31 PM 10-24-2009
Respect their wishes and keep a low profile with it and things will probably work out okay. There's no arguement you can make that will change their minds on the issue. As a parent, peace on the home front is a good thing.
Cigar_Noob 01:39 PM 10-24-2009
Yeah...now the discussion is me just trying to convince him that he doesn't need to smoke one with me to get common ground...rather I'm trying to convince him to join this forum so he can ask all his questions and learn.
icehog3 02:53 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob:
Yeah...now the discussion is me just trying to convince him that he doesn't need to smoke one with me to get common ground...rather I'm trying to convince him to join this forum so he can ask all his questions and learn.
Kudos to you for deciding to wait for your parents' blessing.
pnoon 07:13 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Papa_Cigar_Noob? :-)
Kudos to you for deciding to wait for your parents' blessing. :-)
I'm with icepoon on this one.
Originally Posted by pnoon:
I'm with icepoon on this one. :-)
Me too
Bubba - NJ 09:00 PM 10-24-2009
My mother hates the fact I smoke cigars and never misses a chance to voice her opinion about it . She smoked cigarettes when she was pregnant with me and my older sister . I haven't lived with my parents for about 15 years now . My house runs on my rules . Alot of good advice given here . Just walking out the front door of your house can be hazardous to your health . For that matter life is hazardous to your health .
Cigar_Noob 09:16 PM 10-24-2009
I have officially been given permission
:-) it was kinda odd...I feel like i was being toyed with earlier hahaha. But anyways he said that he has raised me..I'm going to be turning 19 and its time I start making my own decisions
:-) I said I didn't want to disappoint him...and he said he wasn't disappointed in me for having a Cigar...oooh yeah..pretty much the terms? don't get addicted \m/
sodomanaz 09:32 PM 10-24-2009
It's not just the nicotine that can be a problem... check out some of the "show me your humidor" threads.