bobarian 09:53 PM 10-16-2009
Most of us smoked some pretty disgusting stuff when we started out. It sounds like you are embarking on this journey in the right frame of mind. Experiment, taste and try as many different things as you can. I do not concur with the poster who said to ignore Macanudo's, there is a reason they are one of the top selling(if not the top) brands on the market. You are correct that the Garcia Y Vega is a step up from the Black and Mild. It has a whole leaf rather than homogenized wrapper.
Although unintentional, most of us look down upon these entry level cigars in the same way we look down upon flavor cigars such as Acid's and the CAO flavours line. But everyone has to start somewhere. At some point you may decide to move to a hand made short filler cigar and then to long filler premiums. But try as many different smokes as you can and enjoy the ride.
Be sure and take a few pics of your fishing expedition and post your thoughts on the GyV.
itsme_timd 12:08 AM 10-17-2009
Bobarian, the wrapper on the Games actually is a homogenized wrapper as opposed to whole leaf.
OK, so I did get a 'bit' creative with my review of the cigar... just a bit.
Funny story on the pics of the cigar, Photobucket actually pulled them due to TOS violations, I swear it looks just like a penis. However I found them on my PC and attached a couple here.
bobarian 12:25 AM 10-17-2009
hornitosmonster 12:39 AM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob:
Yes, why is the noob making a thread about such a cheep cigar!!:-)
:-) hehe :-) I was wondering how many of you have smoked a Garcia Y Vega? did you guys like it? specifically their Game series? I plan to smoke my first cigars and am wondering what you all think of these? what should I expect?
Nah...If I'm going ultra cheap (nothing wrong with it) then I'm going Clint Eastwood (Ratty, Ugly, Tasty, Sweet, Shaggy Foot).
Cigar_Noob 02:17 PM 10-17-2009
I'll try to get pictures
:-) Trying to look up reviews for this Cigar it seems so mixed! some love it some despise it, but I also notice the majority of reviews seem to love it for putting weed in it....which is pretty darn lame.
Starscream 02:22 PM 10-17-2009
You gotta start somehwere. I remember my gas station cigar smoking days. Check out or The more cigars you try, the more knowledgable you will become as to what you like. I know a bunch of people who won't smoke a handmade cigar as they think it's nasty. They choose to stick with their good ol' Phillies and White Owls.
itsme_timd 02:24 PM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by bobarian:
Sorry, I was just going by the description on Famous.
I have never seen or smoked one before. My son in law gave me one in a plastic tube a while back and that looked like a natural leaf.
My bad, I think this is actually correct. I chopped one up and it did have a leaf wrapper but a homogenized binder on it. Crazy.

The Poet 02:25 PM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob:
I also notice the majority of reviews seem to love it for putting weed in it....which is pretty darn lame.
I'd agree - I have too much respect for cigars AND/OR weed to spoil either.
As for GyV, there are many worse drugstore stogies out there. When I fly, I pack up my good smokes yet stick a few cheap sticks in my coat's inner pocket to burn while I'm waiting for my ride - ones I don't mind tossing halfway through. GyVs in tubes work great for this, both in the hauling and the tossing phase.
Cigar_Noob 04:42 PM 10-18-2009
Me and my bud where walking around and he decided to buy himself a Garcia Y Vega English Corona....DISGUSTING!! he hated it, and the smell was even smelt like a GIANT cigarette...and he said it tasted like one too..oh boy..I hope my Game series Cigars will taste better than that
:-) OH!!! on other news!!! I JUST BOUGHT MY FIRST CIGAR CUTTER!! \m/0_0\m/
itsme_timd 04:47 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob:
Me and my bud where walking around and he decided to buy himself a Garcia Y Vega English Corona....DISGUSTING!! he hated it, and the smell was even smelt like a GIANT cigarette...and he said it tasted like one too..oh boy..I hope my Game series Cigars will taste better than that :-) OH!!! on other news!!! I JUST BOUGHT MY FIRST CIGAR CUTTER!! \m/0_0\m/
You gonna smoke that thing or are you aging it?!?!?!
:-) :-) :-)
Cigar_Noob 04:53 PM 10-18-2009
LOL I'm saving it for when I fish with my buddy...which is going to be on a Tuesday.
Adriftpanda 04:54 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob:
LOL I'm saving it for when I fish with my buddy...which is going to be on a Tuesday.
Enjoy it Josh! Hey, if you like it then awesome! Have a good time fishing.
Cigar_Noob 04:58 PM 10-18-2009
do you think cigar noob is a good name. I mean what if your in this forum for 15 years
and clearly with your willingness to set everyone up to be told how stupid we are when expressing our opinion on how lame this "the game" cigar is you are not a noob...but in fact a full time experienced dummbb asssss piece of dog ssshiiit veteran that is looking to stir the pot
I'm just joking of course
:-) good luck with the game
Starscream 06:44 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Red:
do you think cigar noob is a good name. I mean what if your in this forum for 15 years
and clearly with your willingness to set everyone up to be told how stupid we are when expressing our opinion on how lame this "the game" cigar is you are not a noob...but in fact a full time experienced dummbb asssss piece of dog ssshiiit veteran that is looking to stir the pot
Cigar_Noob 06:45 PM 10-18-2009
Originally Posted by Red:
do you think cigar noob is a good name. I mean what if your in this forum for 15 years
and clearly with your willingness to set everyone up to be told how stupid we are when expressing our opinion on how lame this "the game" cigar is you are not a noob...but in fact a full time experienced dummbb asssss piece of dog ssshiiit veteran that is looking to stir the pot
hahaha I've gotten a similar response for a similar name in a different forum
:-) however theirs was more serious than yours
Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob:
hahaha I've gotten a similar response for a similar name in a different forum:-) however theirs was more serious than yours:-)
i just wanted to spice the thread up , the game is one of my favorites !!!
jerseystepup 10:22 PM 10-18-2009
josh just curious.... how old are you?
Cigar_Noob 10:44 PM 10-18-2009