MajorCaptSilly 10:03 PM 09-20-2009
I don't miss the green furniture I bought from a tag sale to furnish my first apartment. I do kinda miss killing hookers, though.
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
I don't miss the green furniture I bought from a tag sale to furnish my first apartment. I do kinda miss killing hookers, though.
oh man, I'll never stop killing hookers. My kids are going to be all embarrassed because I'm gonna be that old guy still killing hookers when he's 50.
BC-Axeman 10:33 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak:
I'm sure I would trade some freedoms for sex
This is so funny it bears laughing at again.
rizzle 10:20 AM 09-21-2009
I used to chase the wimmenz. Now, not so much. Married life kinda put a damper on that.
GreekGodX 10:32 AM 09-21-2009
Rub the NUB Connecticut in the shower.
rack04 11:13 AM 09-21-2009
As a bachelor I had money and a beer belly.
BlackDog 11:15 AM 09-21-2009
Used to wash the bed sheets about once per season whether they needed it or not.
Steve 11:17 AM 09-21-2009
I've also been married too long to really remember pre- bride days. However, my daughter was gone quite a bit over the summer to camps and such and I had to remember that when she came home I needed to put clothes
ON!!! Kinda got used to running around the house naked. I had a couple of close calls
Col. Kurtz 11:18 AM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak:
I'm sure I would trade some freedoms for sex
"Those who would trade freedom for sex deserve neither."
Ben Franklin, 1781
ade06 11:29 AM 09-21-2009
White97Jimmy 12:26 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak:
I'm sure I would trade some freedoms for sex
Get locked up...No freedom, and all the sex you want
Originally Posted by rack04:
As a bachelor I had money and a beer belly.
And what changed when you got married?
coastietech 12:37 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by rack04:
As a bachelor I had money and a beer belly.
Originally Posted by ir13:
And what changed when you got married?
Now he has no money.. Duh!
BeerAdvocate 12:40 PM 09-21-2009
I miss having money and buying what I want, when I want it!
gettysburgfreak 02:16 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by White97Jimmy:
Get locked up...No freedom, and all the sex you want :-)
Ill pass on that
Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate:
I miss having money and buying what I want, when I want it!
icantbejon 03:12 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by coastietech:
My children killed my bachelorhood more so than the my ex-wife or current girlfriend.
While I just have the wife, I can't agree more to the kids thing. When it was just the wife and I, we'd smoke cigars whenever...Mon nights at a bar drinking beers and watching football....season tickets to the Bills....downtown drinking in Savannah at stupid hours of the concerns.
Enter Kiera
Can only smoke after the kid is asleep or I'm mowing the lawn...Mon nights walking the kid at 830pm to get her to sleep...season ticket to the zoo....downtown to Baby's 'R Us for diapers....constant worries.
Oh well, I love every minute of it.
jledou 03:23 PM 09-21-2009
I miss only having to cook, clean and do laundry for one person and doing it when I felt like it.
SchizoFilly 04:11 PM 09-21-2009
Wake and bake while watching **** wife hates ****