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General Discussion>Birthday Wishes For Vic (ResIpsa)
floydp 02:14 PM 09-05-2009
Happy Birthday Vic.
physiognomy 02:37 PM 09-05-2009
Happy Birthday Vic! I hope you have a great day.
stevefrench 05:43 PM 09-05-2009
Happy Birthday! :-)
GreekGodX 06:12 PM 09-05-2009
:-) Smoke something good :-)
DPD6030 06:28 PM 09-05-2009
:-) Vic :-)
Blueface 08:32 PM 09-05-2009
Happy BDay Vic!
Resipsa 01:19 PM 09-06-2009
Thanks everyone, it was a great day!

Hard to believe another year is in the book tho.......
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