lightning9191 12:29 PM 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
It's been done away with in my time, and as an outdoorsman and anal scientist who has always lived in farm country...
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Not trying to start a debate or anything, Scott, but DDT has saved billions of lives. I'd go without eggs if it meant billions not dying from malaria. BTW, there is also no proven link between DDT and cancer. I couldn't tell you about cancer and mercury, though.
End thread jack.:-)
But without eggs we lose a ton of biodiversity...a ton....not good. We don't just lose eggs for breakfast.
galaga 01:14 PM 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by Ken:
I've drank and smoked cigars with Sean, what do you consider functioning? :-)
The wife works at UPS in safety and just spoke with the head guy for these problems and he didn't feel this small amount would amount to much.
DOH! That might have been more scary than Tom's 10 step program
But I'm sure it was more fun.....
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
In the old days we'd hold mercury metal in our hands.
Yep - I was just thinking back in the 60's we use to break stuff open just to get it to play with. Never affected never affected never affected us in the least bit.
shilala 04:11 PM 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Not trying to start a debate or anything, Scott, but DDT has saved billions of lives. I'd go without eggs if it meant billions not dying from malaria. BTW, there is also no proven link between DDT and cancer. I couldn't tell you about cancer and mercury, though.
End thread jack.:-)
Andy, the egg thing doesn't have any connection to cancer (and I didn't know there was even controversy as to ddt being a carcinogen).
DDT gets in the environment, then gets in the animals.
It causes the shells of eggs to become very fragile. This goes for all egg laying critters.
As a result, the eggs break, and no baby critters.
That's all good proven stuff.
I don't think we disagree at all. It had it's time, and it did a lot of damage that's been reversed by it's discontinuation.
There's new more gooder stuff nowadays that doesn't cause the damage DDT did. It's cause we got a bit smarter. I hope.
I'm all for chemicals, by the way. I just use stuff I'm not afraid to drink.
I spend a lot of time reading all the little black letters on the white paper, not that it helps, but the things I use are stuff that hasn't killed me yet.
SeanGAR 04:28 PM 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by Ken:
I've drank and smoked cigars with Sean, what do you consider functioning? :-)
You tell him ... I'm only incontinent on days that end in y ... and I never repeat myself.
Besides, I'm only incontinent on days that end in y ... and I never repeat myself.
Neurological damage? I doubt it, because I never repeat myself, and that's one of the first symptoms of mercury poisoning.
Repeating myself .. you know .. which I don't do. So, because I never repeat myself I should be OK.
OK, one last thing. I've scooped about all I can scoop.
So, do I really need to worry about every last granule? I'm probably going to go over this a few times to make sure I'm not missing anything big.
Old Sailor 07:49 PM 08-07-2009
If you have kids and animals I'd get it all up now before they tromp through it.
nozero 08:18 PM 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
In the old days we'd hold mercury metal in our hands.
I had a pound of it in a glass jar that I'd play with in a pie tin when I was a kid. I thought it was cool because you could float coins on it. Didn't hurt me, I'm perfectly normal normal gnack normal.
My dad had a scrap iron yard back then, late 50s early 60s, in Sioux City, IA. Weiner Scrap Iron and Metal. Mercury and magnets have always held a facination for me. I still collect magnets from old hard drives and anywhere else I can get them.
Too bad mercury is not magnetic, that would make for an easy clean up!
Originally Posted by Old Sailor:
If you have kids and animals I'd get it all up now before they tromp through it.
Not an issue with anyone else going around it; just me. But usually when I'm in the room I making a path up the stairs and to the garage.
I was actually told those small particles will evaporate and that small amount would not be dangerous.
Originally Posted by :
Too bad mercury is not magnetic, that would make for an easy clean up!
Now wouldn't that be sweet.