View Poll Results: Do you know who Guillen Cigars is?
Yes, I like them
Yes, but dont like them
No, but would like to
No, dont care
Voters: 166. You may not vote on this poll
zemekone 12:09 AM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
True colors?
Andrew posted a poll and asked for opinions...if he didn't want to hear about people with opinion #4, he wouldn't have put it in the poll.
I smoke probably 400 cigars a year. Maybe 2 or 3 of them are non-Cuban, so if I were to vote, it would be "No, don't care", because I really don't care about NC cigars....just my opinion, my personal preference. But I might get called out if I say that? Thick skin is not a bad thing. :-)
:-) if your gonna get hurt feelings dont post the option...
AndyMadera 12:37 AM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by zemekone:
:-) if your gonna get hurt feelings dont post the option...
No hurt feelings, I posted it because I wanted to know... its not negetive for them to say they are not interested. Lets leave it at that. Feel free to ask me anymore questions about me, the guillen family or the company!!! thats what this thread was really made for!

poker 06:48 AM 07-27-2009
I edited the poll so all the votes are anonymous.
mmblz 11:51 AM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by poker:
I edited the poll so all the votes are anonymous.
thank god - now I can vote "Don't Care"
sodomanaz 12:59 PM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by poker:
I edited the poll so all the votes are anonymous.
honestly, it's sad it even got called out. It's not about having thick skin when you are running a business, it's seeing where you lie with your potential clients. We all try to play uber nice on this forum, but jesus, come on now, posting names who post negative responses? come on now.....
MajorCaptSilly 01:06 PM 07-27-2009
Got my Toro sampler today. Looking forward to trying these.
TheTraveler 02:18 PM 07-27-2009
I'm glad you found CA and I wish you good fortune in the cigar business.
I'm gonna have to jump on one of those samplers when you offer them again.
See you around the boards and in chat Andy.
wayner123 02:21 PM 07-27-2009
Who makes up Guillen cigars? And what is each person's role?
wayner123 02:31 PM 07-27-2009
Also how do you pronounce the name Guillen?
AndyMadera 03:40 PM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by wayner123:
Who makes up Guillen cigars? And what is each person's role?
the Guillen (Ghee yen) family is made up of...
first name/nickname
Rafael (Payo) - General Manger
Pulio - leaf expert/quality control
Jesus (Chungo) Master Blender
also not involved with the production of the cigars is
Daniel - mechanic/handyman
Delfina - Accounting
Leonel - he works for a non-profit environmental agency
kydsid 03:51 PM 07-27-2009
Ya know when you get a website set up this will make an excellent FAQ section.
Can you ellaborate more, without violating non-disclosure agreements, the manufacturers the Guillen family has produced tobacoo or cigars for?
AndyMadera 04:02 PM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by kydsid:
Ya know when you get a website set up this will make an excellent FAQ section. :-)
Can you ellaborate more, without violating non-disclosure agreements, the manufacturers the Guillen family has produced tobacoo or cigars for?
we made cigars for a small company that then sold them to other companies. many of the cigars ended up as house blends. It wasnt much but it was enough to keep us in business. it probably wouldnt have been any of the shops you visit, nor do I know all the shops they went to.
The Poet 04:36 PM 07-27-2009
I do not know these cigars, Andy, and only know you from the posts I've read on here. I cannot say I do not care since I do smoke NCs, but as most of my favorites are Hondurans I will say my curiosity is unlikely to move me to seek out your product just to satisify an itch for "theoretical" knowledge - especially as my cigar budget is too tight for experimentation. But by your posts I get the impression you are an upstanding gentleman, so I do wish you and your company all success.
AndyMadera 05:26 PM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by The Poet:
I do not know these cigars, Andy, and only know you from the posts I've read on here. I cannot say I do not care since I do smoke NCs, but as most of my favorites are Hondurans I will say my curiosity is unlikely to move me to seek out your product just to satisify an itch for "theoretical" knowledge - especially as my cigar budget is too tight for experimentation. But by your posts I get the impression you are an upstanding gentleman, so I do wish you and your company all success.
Thank you, its good to hear.
Dooge 06:19 PM 07-28-2009
yes, heard of them. Yes, like them.
BlackDog 07:00 PM 07-28-2009
I'm not familiar with Guillen cigars, but based upon the comments in this and other threads, I think I'm missing something good. I'll have to get some soon.
jovenhut 07:15 PM 07-28-2009
I had the priviledge to smoke all of these different brands with Andy and I can say you wont be disappointed. My favorites are the Miraflor Lancero and the Unnamed "Sampler" cigar. My wife really enjoyed the Casa Pineda. Andy is a Great BOTL!
Aldebaran 07:16 PM 07-28-2009
I'll have to get my hands on some of these soon. Just need money ha! Well it may be weeks before I can try one but you are on my shortlist to try.
Ranger_B 08:02 PM 07-28-2009
Had not heard of your company/cigars until recently when I found some posts here. I look forward to trying some. Great idea with the poll. Seeing that no one has said that they had heard and didnt care for your product has got to say something.
AndyMadera 08:11 PM 07-28-2009
Thanks all for the positive words and your interest. My main reason for opening this thread was more of a Q & A thing to give you all a chance to ask any questions you might have about us as individuals or as a company. All questions are welcome!