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All Cigar Discussion>The mailman cometh
adampc22 12:14 PM 07-07-2009
man thay look sexy
rizzle 01:32 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by newlifetaxidermy:
I have seen the same seal on the ambos mundos boxes. I would imagine that seal will start showing up on all the tat boxes, or at least the ones made in Nicaragua.
That makes sense. I have a April 09 box of Noellas that still has the old one.
Wolfgang 02:58 PM 07-07-2009

*added to todo list*
Raid Richies stash.
yourchoice 03:15 PM 07-07-2009
:-):-):-):-):-) They look mighty tasty!
yuklawz 03:25 PM 07-07-2009
nice, mine came yesterday, but im waiting till tonight to try one
The Poet 04:12 PM 07-07-2009
The pics look gorgeous, all shiny and oily. But then I read "all ligero". Say what? Is that a fact? I thought the whole trick was to blend tobacco for a balanced smoke - not set your tongue on fire. JMHO, but I'd sooner smoke a cherry bomb.

Hope you enjoy them - I don't think I would. :-)
rizzle 06:18 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by Wolfgang:

*added to todo list*
Raid Richies stash.
Careful what you wish for there junior.
Wolfgang 08:13 PM 07-07-2009
I diddnt wish for anything Pops. When youa re flying next weekend ill sneak up there and pilfer your stash
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