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General Discussion>being evacuated
Skywalker 04:02 PM 04-15-2009
Good thoughts and prayers sent!!!
14holestogie 05:01 PM 04-15-2009
Thoughts and prayers sent for the homefront to remain safe.
SmokeyJoe 04:37 PM 04-16-2009
Hope things are OK... update us when you can. :-)
CBI_2 09:39 PM 04-16-2009
Prayers of safety for you and all those up your way.
The Saint 10:24 PM 04-16-2009
Thanks for all the kind words guys! We made to the Brother-in-laws place, it sounds like the river has crested earlier than they thought. But they are still concerned with the water lift stations as well as the sewer system, and the river is not expected to drop much for 2-3 weeks.

I brought about 75 cigars with me, so that should hold me through the weekend! :-):-) I stopped at one of the local B&M's here, I know the manager (her brother is the owner) of the shop and she was kind enough to get me a cA and Smoke mag for some reading material. It sure was nice to be able to go and talk cigars and forget about all the crap back at home!

I'll try and keep you guys posted, again thanks for all the prayers and kind words they do mean ALOT!

Much love to BOTL's!!!!

The Saint
John Crandall
Bruzee 11:35 PM 04-16-2009
Good to hear brother..... Hope everything goes well at home while you are away. Best of luck! :-)
Jbailey 11:38 PM 04-16-2009
Thoughts and prayer for a dry house while your gone.
alley00p 11:43 PM 04-16-2009
I'd like to add my prayers and thoughts for your home to come through this ordeal safely!!

Let us know how you are doing when you can!! :-)


The Saint 05:47 PM 04-17-2009
It is now a manditory evac, the sewer system has failed. Looks like it could be a month or more before we can go home, and our kids will have to register at a different school(thats not gonna go well, I can tell you that already!).

And just like Katrina......where is FEMA?.....haven't heard word one on where or whats going to happen there.

Just remember kids: mother nature, don't f*ck with her! She always wins!
yourchoice 05:50 PM 04-17-2009
That sucks, but at least you and your family are safe. Keep your head up bud.
leasingthisspace 05:50 PM 04-17-2009
Glad to hear you all got out ok. Having to leave everything behind sucks. At least your family is ok though.
G G 05:51 PM 04-17-2009
Somehow I missed this til now. Prayers for you and family. I thought the new administration was going to fix all the problems with FEMAs response.
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