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All Cigar Discussion>keeping track of your collection.
dubnick 08:34 AM 04-09-2009
I'd really like that as well. It would be very helpful.
Waynegro1 09:15 AM 04-09-2009
This is the software I use and it's very user friendly.
Mirrorlure7m 09:15 AM 04-09-2009
I like Mobile Stogie for the Iphone .
Beer Doctor 09:52 AM 04-09-2009
I use an excel spreadsheet.
sikk50 10:44 AM 04-09-2009
I use to use an excel spread sheet, but now I just use Mobile Stogie, since I always have my phone out when I'm smoking because I use Tasting Notes for my reviews keeping inventory on my iPhone was just so so much more convinient (sp?)
DPD6030 12:58 PM 04-09-2009
Mobile stogie for the i-touch :-)
Ashcan Bill 01:06 PM 04-09-2009
Keep track? What a novel idea. :-)

I've have a fairly good idea of what's in the cabinet, but knowing exactly what's in there would take a lot of the fun away. :-)
kaelaria 08:46 PM 04-11-2009
I reviewed a couple options here:
Throb 10:30 PM 04-11-2009
Mobile Stogie for the iPhone. I like it!
Silound 11:01 PM 04-11-2009
I have FAR more cigars than I could possibly keep an accurate count of. It would take me a good day's work to inventory all of it. Ergo, most of my inventory in in my head, and when I can't find what I'm looking for, I know it's time to restock.

I'm often wrong, but I don't see any problem with finding a three year old box of PAM's in the back of my vino :-)
poriggity 11:06 PM 04-11-2009
Yup, Mine is in my head.. at least until I get a bigger cabinet, then maybe I will keep track of sealed boxes with a spreadsheet.. I go through so many different ones so quickly, I'd be constantly changing my software.
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