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General Discussion>Computer went and got it's self dead
Volt 02:01 PM 04-02-2009
No real time to search - but here Apple Recommends Antivirus Software For Mac OS X

I would agree at one time most viruses/malware was directed at the PC nation, but as MACs have surged in the past few years and now they run Windoze they are the new targets. We use both, I just find PCs are more adaptable from a behind the scenes world. VPNs, remote deskops, etc. Computers are a tool for me, and like I said being proprietary (TOC) and up front cost, just makes it hard to recommend to the bosses that it is a good value for their money. Everyone needs to get what will make their bell chime. In the end it's still just 1s and 0s.
shortstory5 02:03 PM 04-02-2009
I had a Mac Powerbook for 3 years in undergrad. I loved it, but since have gone back to a PC for compatibility issues.
AD720 02:14 PM 04-02-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
No real time to search - but here Apple Recommends Antivirus Software For Mac OS X
Qouting the above article:

"Mac OS X threats are still incomparable to Windows threats, but with the growing popularity of Mac systems we are unfortunately seeing attackers taking more interest," the CA blog post said.

I Agree 100% with that. That is exactly the point I'm making.

Like I said, I'm not disputing the fact that there is malware coded for macs. That article does not prove that a PC is as "safe" as a Mac or that a Mac is as "un-safe" as a PC.

I'm not trying to attack you - just share my personal experences and help people make an informed decision when they are looking into a new system. :-)

There are compelling reasons to buy both and they both certainly have drawbacks. The bottom line is that no matter what system you run it is important to keep it up to date and use common sense when "in teh interwebz".
AD720 02:21 PM 04-02-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:

I would agree at one time most viruses/malware was directed at the PC nation, but as MACs have surged in the past few years and now they run Windoze they are the new targets. We use both, I just find PCs are more adaptable from a behind the scenes world. VPNs, remote deskops, etc. Computers are a tool for me, and like I said being proprietary (TOC) and up front cost, just makes it hard to recommend to the bosses that it is a good value for their money. Everyone needs to get what will make their bell chime. In the end it's still just 1s and 0s.
Agree 10000% :-)
Volt 02:22 PM 04-02-2009
Originally Posted by AD720:
Qouting the above article:

"Mac OS X threats are still incomparable to Windows threats, but with the growing popularity of Mac systems we are unfortunately seeing attackers taking more interest," the CA blog post said.

I Agree 100% with that. That is exactly the point I'm making.

Like I said, I'm not disputing the fact that there is malware coded for macs. That article does not prove that a PC is as "safe" as a Mac or that a Mac is as "un-safe" as a PC.

I'm not trying to attack you - just share my personal experences and help people make an informed decision when they are looking into a new system. :-)

There are compelling reasons to buy both and they both certainly have drawbacks. The bottom line is that no matter what system you run it is important to keep it up to date and use common sense when "in teh interwebz".

Heck I very rarely take a form chat seriously unless someone wants to get personal... :-) I agree everyone needs to assess what they want and get it. I really prefer neither except I can more easily do more of my needs with the Windoze than the MACs. At this moment I have Ubuntu loaded up trying to learn it. Why someone feels the need to opreate in a 25 year old mold with CLI beats the **** out outta me. I did DOS from 3.0 to 6.22 and feel no need to go back. Just loaded up a GUI to more easily navigate the system. I actually am finding the snootyness of the Unix/Linux types more offensive than the Mac or Windows peeps. It never ends :-)
AD720 02:25 PM 04-02-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
Heck I very rarely take a form chat seriously unless someone wants to get personal... :-) I agree everyone needs to assess what they want and get it. I really prefer neither except I can more easily do more of my needs with the Windoze than the MACs. At this moment I have Ubuntu loaded up trying to learn it. Why someone feels the need to opreate in a 25 year old mold with CLI beats the **** out outta me. I did DOS from 3.0 to 6.22 and feel no need to go back. Just loaded up a GUI to more easily navigate the system. I actually am finding the snootyness of the Unix/Linux types more offensive than the Mac or Windows peeps. It never ends :-)
That's why my work machine is a mac. I've got a handful of industry software that doesn't play well with OSX yet and the boss gave me a no-go on running mission critical software in Virtual Box. :-)

Plus my company gets a stupid high discount on Dells. So at least I have the best possible windows machine I can get. :-)
SmokinDuck 03:03 PM 04-02-2009
AD720 03:08 PM 04-02-2009
Originally Posted by AD720:
That's why my work machine is a mac. I've got a handful of industry software that doesn't play well with OSX yet and the boss gave me a no-go on running mission critical software in Virtual Box. :-)

Plus my company gets a stupid high discount on Dells. So at least I have the best possible windows machine I can get. :-)
^-- should read NOT a mac. :-)
357 05:46 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by shortstory5:
I had a Mac Powerbook for 3 years in undergrad. I loved it, but since have gone back to a PC for compatibility issues.
This is what it boils down to for me. Regardless of what the MAC commercials say Windows has 95% of the market. The other 5% are made up mostly of MAC but also include Linux.

If you want to live on a world unto yourself then you can get away with a MAC. If you want to work closely with others, transfer files, etc. then you will run into compatibility issues. This is problematic because if it's a MAC/Windows compatibility issue then you'll have the same problem with 95% of everyone else.

When it comes to business, many IT departments list MACs as an unsupported client OS. Plus, many software companies don't even make MAC versions of their software.

So in short you're limited what you can do with others and what software is available. Those are two huge limitations for me personally.

macpappy 06:13 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by 357:
This is what it boils down to for me. Regardless of what the MAC commercials say Windows has 95% of the market. The other 5% are made up mostly of MAC but also include Linux.

If you want to live on a world unto yourself then you can get away with a MAC. If you want to work closely with others, transfer files, etc. then you will run into compatibility issues. This is problematic because if it's a MAC/Windows compatibility issue then you'll have the same problem with 95% of everyone else.

When it comes to business, many IT departments list MACs as an unsupported client OS. Plus, many software companies don't even make MAC versions of their software.

So in short you're limited what you can do with others and what software is available. Those are two huge limitations for me personally.

Excuse me. You are making a blanket statement which is not accurate.

I use nothing but Mac's and I have never had a compatibility issue because I am using a Mac and 90 percent of my clients use Windows-based boxes. I've never had problems doing FTP or other transfers of files between my computers and people who I am sending files to.

That being said, I am in the advertising design business and the majority of my clients aren't working with design programs. They only have to be able to open PDF's. The printing and publishing companies I work with are all Mac based companies from when the jobs hit their server (Mac Servers) until it is digitally output onto plates for the presses.

I have also never had problems sending files to my CPA or attorney and having them open the files.

Now, IF I was in another line of work, I could see where there may be compatibility issues as far as what software is being used - especially in fields such as engineering. I also agree that many software companies haven't written Mac versions of their software in the past - especially all the software companies specializing in such important software as, say, GAMES. (Okay, that was a little sarcastic.)

But my point is, that your statement is not COMPLETELY accurate.

As for the cost of a Mac as compared to a PC, I'd say you would still have to compare apples to apples (no pun intended). Two years ago, when I bought my current desktop (2.4 Gig Dual Processor G5) a friend of mine bought a new PC desktop for about a $1,000 less. He then spent another $900 on upgrades to get it comparable to what my Mac could do.

One final point on the price of the Macs being higher than PC's. A Porsche cost more than a Hyundai. If you can afford it, which you would rather drive?
AD720 06:48 AM 04-03-2009

I'll you have to do is remember to check "Send Windows Friendly Attachments" in That will take care of most of the file incompatibility that gets complained about. Beyond that a jpeg is a jpeg, a PDF is a PDF and a rich text file is a rich text file. :-)

Lately I've been leaving leaving my work laptop in the dock on my desk and Remote Desktop-ing in to it from my mac. Combine that with the FTP server running on my PC and it's like I'm sitting there.
357 07:18 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by macpappy:
Excuse me. You are making a blanket statement which is not accurate.

I use nothing but Mac's and I have never had a compatibility issue because I am using a Mac and 90 percent of my clients use Windows-based boxes. I've never had problems doing FTP or other transfers of files between my computers and people who I am sending files to.

That being said, I am in the advertising design business and the majority of my clients aren't working with design programs. They only have to be able to open PDF's. The printing and publishing companies I work with are all Mac based companies from when the jobs hit their server (Mac Servers) until it is digitally output onto plates for the presses.

I have also never had problems sending files to my CPA or attorney and having them open the files.

Now, IF I was in another line of work, I could see where there may be compatibility issues as far as what software is being used - especially in fields such as engineering. I also agree that many software companies haven't written Mac versions of their software in the past - especially all the software companies specializing in such important software as, say, GAMES. (Okay, that was a little sarcastic.)

But my point is, that your statement is not COMPLETELY accurate.

As for the cost of a Mac as compared to a PC, I'd say you would still have to compare apples to apples (no pun intended). Two years ago, when I bought my current desktop (2.4 Gig Dual Processor G5) a friend of mine bought a new PC desktop for about a $1,000 less. He then spent another $900 on upgrades to get it comparable to what my Mac could do.

One final point on the price of the Macs being higher than PC's. A Porsche cost more than a Hyundai. If you can afford it, which you would rather drive?
First my statement wasn't 100% inclusive or exclusive. Also, I made a slight mistatement. What I meant was if you buy a MAC at some time you will most likely have some sort of compatibility issues. If an app you want isn't written for MAC, that too is a compatibility issue. File formats are one than can be annoying, but an application you want/need that isn't written for MAC is sometimes a deal-breaker.

In your line of work MACs are well embedded. That is their sweetspot (graphic design and/or desktop publishing). Adobe products used to be primarily written for MAC.

What I'm saying is MACs are the minority and deal with minority issues like compatibility, software availability, etc. You will NOT have that problem with a PC. Also, while MACs may be stronger at the sweetspots mentioned above, both can be done very similarly if not exactly the same on a PC. You'd be hard pressed to find an application written for a MAC that is not also written for a PC. The opposite is not true. There are many apps that are available for PCs that are not written for MACs. This cannot be disputed.

MACs are more expensive. While that price gap has narrowed a bit due to MAC adopting the Intel processors, the gap still exists.

I just don't understand why the average user (not graphic designer) would put themselves into that minority of their own volition. Sure there are some cool new ways to so PC stuff on a MAC but not all MAC users have that kind of savvy.

To end my rant similarly, MACs may indeed be like a Porche: Nice to look at but, expensive, impractical, and not as fast as a Corvette that costs 25% less.

357 07:20 AM 04-03-2009
BTW, I mean no ill will in my rants. I am just debating the two and having fun. I know sometimes tone is hard to determine so I wanted to make sure no offense is taken.
357 07:25 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by AD720:

I'll you have to do is remember to check "Send Windows Friendly Attachments" in That will take care of most of the file incompatibility that gets complained about. Beyond that a jpeg is a jpeg, a PDF is a PDF and a rich text file is a rich text file. :-)

Lately I've been leaving leaving my work laptop in the dock on my desk and Remote Desktop-ing in to it from my mac. Combine that with the FTP server running on my PC and it's like I'm sitting there.
A good friend of mine had a MAC and an older Windows laptop with a broken screen. Half the time he was RDP'ing into the laptop because his stupid game wouldn't work on his MAC. Then he would brag about how great his MAC was. IMO, it's cheating to lean on one and sing the praises of the other. If you have both you have no limitations.

AD720 08:24 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by 357:
A good friend of mine had a MAC and an older Windows laptop with a broken screen. Half the time he was RDP'ing into the laptop because his stupid game wouldn't work on his MAC. Then he would brag about how great his MAC was. IMO, it's cheating to lean on one and sing the praises of the other. If you have both you have no limitations.

You might have missed my post earlier when I said the reason I have a PC is due to some industry software that doesn't exist for OSX.

Now whose fault is that - Apples or the software companies? You can't blame Apple for people not writing the software.

My response to your post was in defense of your blanket "file incompatablity" arguement. Please tell which specfic file was incompatable.

By the way my Mac IS great. If I'm bragging so be it. :-):-)
AD720 08:33 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by 357:
BTW, I mean no ill will in my rants. I am just debating the two and having fun. I know sometimes tone is hard to determine so I wanted to make sure no offense is taken.
:-) Same here.

And sorry to the OP for jacking the crap out of your thread.:-)
GKitty 08:59 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by stitch:
I know the feeling ... Several years ago I took a computer out and emptied a
.45 into it :-) ....Maaan did that ever feel good! :-)
"Take Thaaaat you POS!"
I'm sure the rest of this thread is fascinating from a technological standpoint, but everything else pales in comparison to this post.

:-) :-) :-)
macpappy 10:31 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by 357:
BTW, I mean no ill will in my rants. I am just debating the two and having fun. I know sometimes tone is hard to determine so I wanted to make sure no offense is taken.
I didn't even take your previous posts for being rants so I surely didn't see or perceive any ill will.

And I almost asked which you would rather drive a Corvette or a Hyundai. My point being that both will get you from point A to point B, but one is more comfortable, faster and fun than the other.

I have used Macs since 1986 and that is because of the type of work I have done which has predominately been in the graphic design/journalism/photography world. That being said, I worked as the executive assistant for a marine insurance adjuster for two years and our entire office was Mac based - including the bookkeeper. We also dealt with law firms that were all Mac based.
macpappy 10:33 AM 04-03-2009
Originally Posted by 357:
BTW, I mean no ill will in my rants. I am just debating the two and having fun. I know sometimes tone is hard to determine so I wanted to make sure no offense is taken.
BTW. Arguing whether Mac is better than a PC is like arguing which premium cigar you like better. I depends on the person.
Whee 10:36 AM 04-03-2009
Three three taboos...

Politics, religion and Mac vs PC..nothing good can come from this:-)
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